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29 August 2024

What Laughologists do to have a summer break

Even Laughologists need a breather now and then! All that smiling and laughing can really take its toll on those facial muscles. That’s why summer is our time to kick back, relax, and recharge our happiness batteries.  

So, what’s our secret to keeping our joy levels topped up? Well, when we’re not busy spreading the happy vibes in workplaces and schools, we’re filling our own happiness buckets with a mix of sunshine, downtime, and maybe a cheeky ice cream or two.  

After all, a well-rested Laughologist is an even funnier one – ready to help make your world a little bit brighter! Here’s what some of the team got up to: 

Sarah’s summer catch-up 

sarahe mum

I love seeing my folks throughout the year on what are, usually, flying visits. Then, every summer, I properly recharge my batteries, by spending quality time with my lovely mum.  

We walk for miles (she’s as fit as a fiddle and will outlive us all), laugh loads, talk nonsense, people watch, eat yummy food and enjoy a cheeky glass or two of wine. 

Alison’s trip to Turkey 

alison hol

This summer I soaked up the sun and sights in Turkey. I absolutely love the sea, and the beautiful blue waters were just what I needed to refill my happiness cup! 

Stephanie’s scuba experiences 

nick steph

I’m always ‘on’, running your own business and being responsible for projects in other’s businesses means my brain is super busy constantly. One of the things that helps me relax is scuba diving and snorkelling.  

It’s like a magical world that makes you relax; you must focus on your breathing and watch the colourful fish swim by. It’s also a place where I can’t speak or email so by doing it, I’m also making others happy!  

I did lots of this over the summer so I can be ready for helping make work a happy place for others. 

Kerry’s Pride weekender 

kerry gilrl

Brighton Pride weekend where we swam, laughed, danced, loved and felt part of a community which makes me a happier human and gives me the energy to make other humans happy.  

Selina’s happiest when eating 


Selina’s favourite thing to do in down time, well actually pretty much any time, is eating food.  While on a break she couldn't believe her eyes, a vegan and gluten free dessert that tasted amazing.  She not only filled her happiness bucket but her face too!  

Louisa’s world challenge 


During August, Louisa had the opportunity to volunteer with ‘World Challenge’, taking 14 young people from across the UK on an expedition and cultural exchange in Vietnam. This gave her the chance to explore the north of Vietnam, where she loved the chaos of Hanoi. She also worked on a community project, experiencing life in the Vietnamese countryside, hot jungle trekking and the beauty of Halong Bay.  

 Louisa found working with young people over the two weeks fulfilling and rewarding, watching the group develop as a team while supporting them as individuals to grow in confidence, developing their leadership skills through immersing themselves in the experience and learning from a different culture. 

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