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26 September 2024

Creative and Innovative Thinking with Archer Hotel Capital 

Lead Happiness Consultant Dave Keeling loves a boutique Hotel (too many wet and windy Cub camps can do that to a man), so he was thrilled with the opportunity to spend half a day at the HQ of Archer Hotel Capital, specialists in European hotel investments. 

The session was on creative and innovative thinking, with some growth mindset thrown in, and was designed to encourage the small team of 20 to see how they can build better working relationships, collaborate more effectively and be more front footed in seeking out new challenges in the workplace. 

Never one to shy away from a task, Dave set about creating playful, creative content covering areas such as 

  • Shifting from knowing to doing – motivation for self, others and the environment 
  • Fast and Slow Thinking - how to shift thinking and embrace problems 
  • CQ+PQ=IQ - the art of collaboration and engagement 
  • Laughter and humour as a tool for resilience and change 
  • Metacognition – how to think about thinking 
  • Expansive thinking - techniques that help develop creative thinking by breaking rules or mixing ideas 
  • Reductive thinking – techniques for structuring ideas into practical action 
  • Active listening and feedforward– to build trusting relationships 

And, most importantly, why Dave doesn’t like casseroles! 

This half-day workshop equipped the team with a better understanding of their thought processes, how to encourage a more growth mindset approach in themselves and others, and lots of tips, tricks, and techniques to be more creative in how they think about thinking. 

If you’d like a similar workshop in your workplace or for your team, get in touch with Doug – doug@laughology.co.uk - and he can talk you through what we offer. 


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