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09 July 2020

Spotlight on Sarah Creegan

Sarah Creegan is a former head teacher, our educational consultant and a lead facilitator. She is also a Mental Health First Aider; has undergone Laughology’s unique stand-up comedy training and has enough psychology books and magazines to wallpaper her house with. Not that she would do that – that would just be silly!

Sarah is a natural teacher – and her move from primary education to facilitating Laughology sessions has been seamless. Whether she’s working with 4 and 5-year olds, or 45-year olds, she loves it when people have light bulb moments. In fact, she loves it that much that she decided to call her own business Light Bulb Moments Consultancy.

It’s true, Sarah has also had several quite noticeable moments of enlightenment herself. Having overseen a £7m school rebuild and expansion project, she organised a grand opening ceremony. It was only when she got the official photos back, that she realised half her eyebrows were missing! 

It turns out that, although Sarah was an inspirational and seemingly very calm head teacher, her feet were paddling like mad under the surface and her eyebrows had done a runner. That’s why she is now passionate about supporting others with their mental health and wellbeing. This includes helping people to recognise their own and others’ triggers and signs of stress, as well as understanding what they can do to be happier and healthier. 

Since she joined the Laughology team in January 2017, Sarah has been instrumental in developing the Happy-Centred School Programme. She’s very proud that it’s the only PSHE programme that explicitly teaches kids how to develop self-confidence, positive relationships, resilience and coping skills – and she thinks all schools should invest in it, right now!

Back to the dawning of no-eyebrows realisation, and the fact that her nearest and dearest didn’t tell her and (apparently) didn’t even notice! Sarah’s very keen that no other school or business leader should have to rely on a photo to see that they look a bit odd. From her time as a head, she can empathise and sympathise with a wide range of scenarios, which makes her the perfect person to help middle and senior leadership teams work through their challenges. 

Laughology sessions are always fun, but Sarah knows how important it is to judge a room and make sure that folks have plenty of time to chat, as well as a range of practical ideas to take away with them. 

You don’t just have to take our word for it that Sarah is a great presenter. Our favourite piece of feedback was when a couple of ladies sidled up to her during an INSET day and said, “We’ve been engaged and laughing all morning and we didn’t think we would be, so you can come back after lunch.” Phew!

Sarah knows that she has been very lucky in life and she has been able to ‘Reach For The Stars’ – her personal mantra and favourite S-Club 7 song. She would like all children and adults to have a voice and the opportunities to be the very best they can be. Which is why she is a big advocate for creating diverse and inclusive teams, and people better understanding and tackling unconscious bias in the workplace. 

And finally, in the spirit of reaching for the stars, moving out of her comfort zone and pushing her limits, Sarah is:

  • Determined to learn something new and have a light bulb moment every day
  • Trying to beat the record for eating the most midget gems in one sitting 
  • Still trying to grow her eyebrows back!


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