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29 August 2024

Menopause awareness at Manchester Central Convention Complex 

Manchester Central has a large and diverse team, and they’re usually flat-out managing events. When things quieten a little in the summer, they like to develop their people by offering a range of training opportunities.  

This year, they chose menopause awareness after a significant number of people expressed an interest in learning how to better support people who are experiencing menopause. 

People often comment on how Laughology’s humour and psychological safety in our facilitation really help to open up the conversation on a topic that some find uncomfortable or simply haven’t spoken about in the workplace before. And why should they?  

Well, this is what the team talked about with our facilitator Kerry Leigh. We uncovered the myriads of potential symptoms, how these can impact at work and what we can be done about it to help the individual be their best menopausal self.  

The overall feedback at the end of the morning at Manchester Central was that people were excited to talk and share more about menopause and to create a culture where teams and leaders role-modelled this so that menopause becomes a welcome topic at work, helping people to speak up when they need support. 

If you’d like a menopause awareness session in your workplace, take a look at the information here or get in touch with our Doug, who can talk you through how we can help – doug@laughology.co.uk 

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