Giff Gaff, I was having a laff
Another mobile company called on our services this month. Giff Gaff and Viking Mobile share similar business practices. Both are young and innovative and have redefined the traditional customer service model. Giff Gaff members form their own support network and help each other with technical issues. The company works differently too.
Employees have guidelines and responsibilities but have flexibility and are treated like adults, rather than bound by policy's and procedures. Giff Gaff already has impressive engagement scores and wanted to know how to develop even further so they called in Laughology.
We ran a full-day session with the commerce team to look at how the science of happiness for organisations could help them develop their teams even more. We also looked at communication and innovation within the organisation and explored aspects of transactional analysis and FLIP.
At the end of the session delegates focuses on a particular learning action and created SMART goals in small groups that would champion the new approach. The team commented they went away with knowledge and proven strategies to help them grow even more. Already the organisation has reported they have seen a positive impact in their communication and thinking at their team get togethers.