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29 August 2024

Even Laughologists Have to Learn: A Day of Team Building and Insights in London

Who says Laughologists don’t need to learn too? This year’s summer Laughology get-together in London was a brilliant mix of learning, laughter, and a bit of healthy competition. 

We kicked off the day with a deep dive into our Insights Discovery profiling, led by the fantastic Barry Rogers from Inspire. Barry is one of the top voices in Insights Discovery and a fantastic partner for all things profiling. His session helped us gain a better understanding of how we work individually and how we can work even better together as a team. 

After sharpening our self-awareness, we turned our attention to our customers, brainstorming ways to continue supporting workplaces even after we’ve delivered our workshops, programmes, and keynotes. It was a great chance to think about the lasting impact we want to make. 

And, of course, we couldn’t end the day without some fun! We wrapped things up with a (thankfully non-lethal) game of Squid Game, filled with plenty of laughs, good-natured competition, and loads of food. 

A huge thank you to all our Laughologists for making it such a fantastic day and year so far! 


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JOB VACANCIES: If you're interested in working or collaborating with us you will find our opportunities page here.