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Gain valuable insights into individual working styles and team dynamics with Laughology's fun, thought-provoking, dynamic team-building workshop. Enhance leadership skills and collaboration, strengthen customer relations, and foster problem-solving techniques.

We have teamed up with Insights Discovery, a world-leading diagnostic tool to help you understand yourself and others, connect people, and create happy, productive teams.

Make Laughology part of your team away-day

Laughology team building workshop will make your team feel tighter than a double-knotted shoelace and make laughter tears run down their legs.

We know laughter is the best way to build relationships, break down barriers and help people bond. Build Laughology into your team away day. Email Doug@laughology.co.uk for costs and availability. 


  • Understand personalities (with Insights profiling tool or without
  • Team cohesion and happiness
  • Reinforce team identity and behaviours
  • Improve effectiveness
  • High performance

Suited to:

  • Managers
  • Leaders
  • All Teams

Delivered as:

  • Two hour intro
  • Half-day
  • Full-day

Teams that don’t gel become fragmented. Conflict and division can arise and relationships can break down. Team cohesion can make or break an organisation and managing an unhappy team can be timely. A team that is fragmented can mean the customer or stakeholder loses out, vital information is missed and ideas don’t develop.

A happy, motivated team, working together with a shared vision and a clear direction however, will be more productive, creative and innovative. Happy teams record less absenteeism, give more discretionary effort and are more likely to remain loyal, working for you and your organisation. Not everyone will always get on, but understanding each other and celebrating strengths and differences is more desirable and productive than division.

 Using psychological research and neuroscience, we help leaders and individuals understand their own working and thinking styles and identify their strengths and the strengths of others. This opens the door to improved teamwork, leadership, customer relationships, creativity and problem-solving. This fun, enlightening and dynamic workshop creates a deeper understanding of your team’s dynamic and encourages delegates to expand their ability to motivate others and communicate effectively.

We're feeling the love!

It was the best team building session that gave me food for thought and lots of take aways after. It was great to see a mix of new and existing team members
Goldman Sachs
I really enjoyed the day and helped strengthen the team’s engagement and culture
Giff Gaff
Add in Insights Discovery - become a self-awareness and social intelligence ninja Insights Discovery is a psychometric tool based on Jungian psychology - try saying that after a few drinks at the team away day. It’s hugely popular with businesses and can be used for individual performance or wider team development. It increases self-awareness and improves communication, decision-making, and, ultimately, performance

How can Insights Discovery support your learning and development?

At Laughology we know learning and development isn’t a tick box. It’s showing you care about your people and your business. Rather than just a day out of the office or a few hours on Zoom, it's continuously learning about ourselves and others.

Any learning journey starts with self-awareness and this can lead to real breakthroughs in building relationships, teams, and your business. Because when people truly understand themselves and others, the potential is huge. People can only play to their strengths and development if they know what those are.

And this is where Insights Discovery can help. It’s not Jedi mind tricks either, just some simple self-awareness tools that can help you find out more about yourself and your team. Answering questions such as:

  • Why does Ian from accounts wind me up so much?
  • How come I find it really hard to communicate with Trisha in HR?
  • Is my leadership style more Joe Biden or Joseph Stalin - and how can I be better, as neither is appealing?!
  • Why does change make me grumpy and stubborn?

When you learn these superpowers, the world - and the people in it - will make a bit more sense to you.

How does Insights Discovery work?

The process starts with an online evaluation. Don’t worry it’s not a snore-fest; it only takes about 20 minutes to complete and comprises multiple-choice questions.

Upon completion of this, a personal profile is then generated providing in-depth insight into individual strengths and weaknesses, communication style, approach to problems, and the value added to the team. It uses a four-colour model to highlight key personality preferences and associated behaviours.

And to put the cherry on the top of your Insights cake, It also includes suggestions for development that can be put into practice the very next day. 

Once you’ve got your profiles and your associated Insights colour, we can then directly support you in the Laughology way - hello, Curly Wurlys. We facilitate workshops using Insights Discovery and Laughology’s methodology combined - quite the dream team, we can assure you.

If that’s not enough to float your L&D boat, we can also use this to support one-to-one coaching.

So by the end of it all, you come away with a greater understanding of how others tick and how best to communicate with them. Say goodbye to questioning your leadership style or butting heads with anyone. Just a more harmonious way of working with those around you.


More training workshops

Mental Health in the Workplace workshop

Using growth Mindset at work

Menopause awareness in the workplace

Creative facilitation

Unconscious bias and creating a diverse workforce

Creative and innovative thinking skills for problem solving

Presentation skills (stand and deliver)

Building happy workplace teams workshops

Building resilience and positivity. FLIP it thinking skills

Positive communication and relationship building

Brands and organisations we work with:

Ask us a question

You can call us on 0844 800 1701, or use this form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

JOB VACANCIES: If you're interested in working or collaborating with us you will find our opportunities page here.