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Evolve graduate programme

Date:: 2023-01-18 09:34


For many grads and interns this might be their first job.  Being able problem solve, make simple decisions, or know how to ask for help might not come naturally.  These simple skills may seem obvious to some but to fresh faced grads or interns, not so much. 

Four sessions

Our grads and interns programme is made up of four independent sessions:

  • Evolve me
  • Mindset
  • Resilience
  • Career

This means spending a lot of your time helping them learn the basics.  And while spending time with grads and interns to mentor and coach is important, failing to give them a good start could mean wasting more time than needed. 

This is why laughology has put together a series of workshops to help.  The workshops below can be taken as stand alone sessions or as part of a programme.  We can work with you to slot them into your time table or develop timings around what you would like. Each workshop is one full day but timings can be tweaked to suit.


  • Evolve Me:

    This session explores emotional intelligence, self-awareness, motivation and value. 

    Individuals will be taken through activities to help them recognise how others might see them, what their development and communication gaps are and how to develop a personal brand.

    Additional materials include:

    • Personal SWOT activity sheet
    • Social awareness & personality questionnaire
    • Motivation check sheet
    • TEAR Model activity sheet for managing emotions
    • Personal brand
  • My Mindset:

    Understanding how we learn, think and develop helps us become self-motivated learners.

    Learning strategies for how we can use growth mindset tools to be innovative and stretch our thinking will support long-term career development and opportunities.

    This session will explore what people can do to help themselves be continuous learners and always develop.

    Staying ahead and getting ahead.

    Additional materials include:

    • Growth mindset cheat sheet
    • Curious questions for growth thinking activity sheet
    • Growth mindset language cheat sheet
  • My Resilience:

    This session is an introduction to how we build our resilience and develop flexible thinking.

    It explores what resilience is and how we can take personal responsibility for staying strong.

    It also helps individuals recognise early signs of stress and what they can do about it. we use stand up comedy and improvisation as techniques to explore resilience and growth thinking.

    Additional materials include:

    • Building your resilience activity sheet
    • Reframing wonky thoughts
    • Thinking traps and wonky thought
    • Get your daily DOSE of resilience and happiness
    • FLIP-it thinking cheat sheet
  • My Career:

    This session will look at how far individuals have come and support them in developing a career plan to take them forward.

    It encourages individuals to think about developing a personal purpose statement to guide them when choosing career paths, with an understanding of the importance of broad career moves as well as horizontal ones.

    We’ll revisit personal learning and their original SWOT analysis, identifying any blind spots for personal development, and creating a personal and professional plan going forward.

    Additional materials include:

    • Career planning activity sheet
    • Values activity sheet
    • SMART planning sheet
    • Johari window activity sheet

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Wellbeing Chatterboxes

Teaser: Wellbeing and mental health shouldn’t be a one-off workshop or tick box exercise.
Date:: 2023-01-18 08:54


Say hello to Wellbeing Chatterboxes. With the right training chatterboxes can support teams, managers and  individuals when needed, providing a culture where mental wellbeing matters all the time.

Wellbeing and mental health shouldn’t be a one-off workshop or tick box exercise.

Ongoing conversations, as well as activities that reduce stigma, create support and develop coping skills, should be embedded in organisations.

Workplace mental health champions are employees who challenge stigma and encourage positive mental health in an organisation and for its workforce - both paid and voluntary.

They don’t replace or duplicate the important role of human resources (HR). Instead, they work alongside your HR team to create positive workplace mental health for everyone.

Wellbeing is something we all have to work at continually. Protecting and supporting people starts with creating a culture where positive mental health is encouraged, and mental illness is talked about regularly.

Wellbeing Chatterboxes will be supported to develop skills in advanced listening and communication, wellbeing awareness and running wellbeing check-in sessions, as well as other interventions. They’ll also be taught the basics of a healthy lifestyle for mental and physical fitness so they can inspire and support others.

It’s not the role of a Wellbeing Chatterbox to fix mental illness or council people but to support and signpost when needed.

The aim of our Wellbeing Chatterbox programme is to create internal ongoing and on-demand support in organisations. With resources, activities and templates for creating events and putting together strategies, your Wellbeing Chatterboxes will support HR and be empathetic ears and eyes to create a caring culture.

If you already have mental health champions in your organisation, we can bespoke the content to compliment their expertise. The Chatterbox programme might be an additional session to support their skills.

What’s the difference between a Wellbeing Chatterbox and a mental health champion?

Wellbeing Chatterboxes hold similar skills to mental health champions. BUT we offer additional resources that can be used to deliver Laughology’s trademark interactive fun, short Buzz activities.

Our Buzz activities are short 10-15 minute interactive sessions to explore a tool or technique for positive mental health and resilience. Buzz activities can also be used as starter activities to start conversations.

These activities and resources are unique to Laughology and help to include everyone in the conversation.


Reduce the stigma

Module 1

In this module, we look at activities and interactions that support positive
conversations about mental illness and mental wellbeing.

The module reviews case studies from other organisations, showing how they’ve created positive cultures around mental health issues.

A look at language, behaviours and role-modelling helps create a culture of inclusiveness and openness where everyone and anyone feels comfortable to share challenges.

We’ll also look at how to develop the right conditions to encourage open and honest conversations, which could include introducing lunchtime drop-in sessions, anonymous email and text facilities, and signposting to relevant services.

Managing stress, coping skills and building resilience

Module 2

This module guides people in how to use the iconic Laughology FLIP-it Thinking tool to help anyone think and feel in control.

With additional Buzz activities to understand stress, causes, triggers and preventative techniques, this module introduces resources and activities Chatterboxes can share and use to help teams, individuals and managers.

Providing support

Module 3

This module focuses on how to provide ongoing support – including yearlong event timetables, regular activities to engage leaders and managers and ways to provide long-term support to people in the organisation.

At the end of the module, Chatterboxes will have developed a plan to present to stakeholders, looking at what their role is and how this will develop over the following 12 months.


  • Who is it for?

    Wellbeing Chatterboxes is perfect for any organisation wanting to embed a culture of prevention and care.

    It should be delivered to people who have a keen interest in supporting others and be recognised as an integral part of an ongoing strategy for positive mental health and supporting mental illness.

  • How long will it last?

    Each module is two half-days or three 90-minute workshops.

    Modules can be delivered and designed around the needs of your organisation. If you feel you already have a wealth of knowledge and expertise on mental health, you can opt for a smaller package.

  • How many people can it work for?

    Capacity depends on the organisation’s needs. Wellbeing Chatterboxes has
    been rolled out in large national organisations with a large group of people, as well as small organisations.

    However, we recommend enough people train up to support your leaders and managers across the organisation.

  • What measurements will we see?

    We’ll work with you to identify target goals which we can then assess
    throughout the delivery process.

    We can assess your in-house appraisal processes and use them to measure how people feel. We can also create a baseline survey with programme participants at the start of the process and use this to plot progress. 

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Creating diversity and inclusivity in the workplace

Workplace programmes


We’ll help your organisation become more inclusive and diverse. We do this, in part, by conducting a complete review of its formal and informal processes and systems to unpick any systemic biases it may have.

Bias exists within all individuals and organisations. Our programme identifies and addresses measures you can take to build inclusivity, creating a competitive and cultural advantage.

What does the programme consist of?

Each programme can be tailored to suit your needs. Some organisations prefer a rounded approach that includes measures and audits. This is a good place to start if you haven’t done anything before.

If you’re further along and have already reviewed practices to be more inclusive, you may want to start at a different point. A big part of inclusive cultures is management development.

At Laughology, we support managers to develop skills to be consciously inclusive. The diagram below shows a complete methodology for diversity and inclusion culture change. We offer a bespoke service - you may want some or all of the methodology - and we can work on a programme that suits you.

Diversity can be embedded in your organisation’s culture

True diversity is not just about attending a workshop, ticking a box and raising awareness. It’s a cultural shift. Truly inclusive workplaces start and end with inclusion.

We help organisations to become diverse by conducting a complete review of their formal and informal processes and systems to unpick the systemic biases they have.

The ability to recognise unconscious bias within your personal ways of working, as well as in your organisation as a whole, helps you be more inclusive. It builds a culture that reaps the benefits that inclusive workplaces enjoy. You can read our unconscious bias blog to find out more about the difference between unconscious bias and inclusion?

What does a programme look like?

Define needs and capture data 

A good starting point is a diversity audit, identifying areas of strength or
improvement within an organisation.

You may already have data we can use, or we can work with you to review your ESG (Economic, Social and Governance) practices. 

This helps paint a picture of opportunities for quick wins, as well as changes that can be made for greater inclusivity.

It can also be helpful to survey the wider organisation to understand how inclusive people feel the organisation is currently.

Analyse review and communicate outcomes

All this information is then collated to help identify areas of development in
particular departments and across levels. 

It also provides a way to benchmark your organisation within its sector. 
We can define your needs and review any of your practices, such as recruitment and appraisals, where unconscious bias tends to influence decisions.  

Communication of outcomes is important to get buy-in. We can support you on how to do this and share all findings to make this easy. Communication should include what you plan to do, what you expect to see and why this is important.

Implementation phase

  • Whole organisation awareness

    This starts with awareness sessions for the whole organisation. These give individuals an understanding of the issues and how they relate to your business and practices.

  • Manager development 

    The key to diversity and inclusivity in the workplace is manager development. We recommend a three-module strategy for managers delivered through a series of workshops. 

    • The first module covers understanding and awareness of unconscious bias.
    • The second is a review of managerial processes and systems where unconscious bias may influence decisions. 
    • The final module is growth mindset, which is vital to help managers understand how to develop different people from diverse backgrounds.
  • Leadership masterclass

    The programme should also include an awareness session for leaders, which can be delivered alongside management sessions.

  • Sustainability

    We will also develop a toolkit to support managers which can include custom cheat sheets and check lists to be used during interviews and appraisals. 

    We support the working group to revise any structures or guidance within the organisation and how they support managers in any new processes needed. The working group will also have a train-the-trainer element, allowing the programme to be sustainable within the organisation. 

  • How long will it take?

    General and leadership awareness sessions are 90 minutes; however, they can be extended to two hours to allow for deeper discussion.  

    The managerial element of the programme consists of three half-day sessions. These can be delivered online or face-to-face. We recommend ten days to two weeks between sessions for managers to action learning. 

    The programme generally runs between six to 12 months and we will conduct a survey at the beginning and end of 12 months to monitor and record progress.

    If you only want to deliver the wider organisation awareness sessions and the manager session the programme would be shorter dependant on how many people you would like to take part.

  • How many people can go through it?

    The programme is for your whole organisation and, for larger organisations, can be delivered in groups. We recommend a maximum of 20 people per management session.  The wider group awareness sessions are flexible and can have 15-150 in each session dependant on interactions and discussions you require and want.

  • What measures will we see?

    We will conduct a baseline survey at the beginning of the programme and another at the end to measure progress. We also recommend a six-monthly pulse survey for managers, if you already have engagement survey’s we recommend questions are built into this.

  • How do we make this sustainable?

    Working groups will be equipped with the skills and tools to continue the programme and embed it as part of your culture. It will be integrated into inductions, appraisals and values.

    Inclusion champions should be set up to continue the ongoing work and be there as sounding boards for decision-making and conscious inclusion.

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Mind the Gap: get work-ready - online workplace training

Date:: 2023-01-19 13:35


Mental health is the number one cause of long-term absence among UK workers. Supporting people through mental health episodes or helping them be mentally ready for a return to work, and to cope with changes in work patterns and practices, is a major challenge for organisations.

Mind the Gap for managers

Managers need to learn to have sensitive conversations to support the mental and physical wellbeing of their teams, who are both remote and in-situ.

To motivate, they need to make people and teams feel psychologically safe. They need to lead with empathy and direction.

These people skills will be crucial for organisations as they transition back to productivity.

We have developed an online foundation course, delivered through virtual classrooms, to help guide managers through these changing times:

Manager workshops: 2 x 90 min webinars or 2 x half day face to face delivery: (Ideal participants 20-25)

[video-camera] [future]

Part one:


Leading and managing through extraordinary times

  • Creating virtual and physical psychologically safe environments
  • Managing, motivating, and communicating with virtual teams
  • Supporting teams to flourish through complexity, with agility and flexibility
  • Creating a Work-Ready Action Plan (WRAP*) with your team


  • Creating the right environment cheat sheet
  • Practical activity sheet for creating the right environment
  • Downloadable WRAP

Additional activities:

  • Devising a psychological safety plan
  • Devising a WRAP for your team

Part two:


Big chats, little chats** for mental health and wellbeing

  • Toolkits for supporting mental health and wellbeing
  • Identifying concerns early and developing prevention plans
  • Supporting and signposting when challenges arise
  • Introducing FLIP for building resilient, future-focused teams


  • Mental health cheat sheets
  • FLIP introduction cheat sheets

Additional activities:

  • Activities for managers to promote positive mental health and resilience
  • Developing regular check-ins
  • How to support psychological safety with visual triggers and mental triggers

Mind the Gap for teams

A single 90 min webinar for teams or face to face two hour session, which we recommend accompanies the manager programme

Return to work will raise concerns over safety, wellbeing and change. Some people will work from home, which requires a new mindset and new practices. Resilience, agility and adaptability are core skills. People will need to learn quickly and modify how they work at short notice.


This session introduces

  • Growth mindset skills for agility and adaptability
  • Skills for building resilience and positive mental health
  • Creating a WRAP


Timing allows for Q&A. Large groups are possible but please bear in mind this affects how interactive we can be with individuals. *Laughology acronym alert **Laughology’s coaching programme

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Coaching programme



Management just got a 21st Century makeover, and it’s called Big Chats Little Chats. Have great conversations, support development, promote inclusive cultures and enhance workforce performance.

Management is an art form and like all art forms, it can be learnt, honed and improved. People management starts withthe ability to understand the people around you.

Great people managers get to know people personally and know what motiviates, and inspires individuals. They do this through great coaching converstaions that are fluid and on demand. People managers want people to be happy.

Because people are at the heart of your business, skills in communication and listening are essential. Whether it’s difficulties at home, feeling overwhelmed by a project or challenges with keeping work on track, open and honest conversations are paramount to not only solving the challenge but preventing it early.

Regular little chats that look ahead are better than big conversations that look back once the problem has occurred. Supporting your managers to develop these skills is the aim of our Big Chats, Little Chats programme.

The aim of our Being a People Manager programme is to help individuals be inspiring leaders who create the right environments in which their people can thrive.

Don’t expect any corporate bull either. We believe the best leadership and management qualities are based in human skills such as humour, happiness and empathy.

  • What’s the difference between a manager and a people manager

    What’s the difference between a manager and a people manager? Management isn’t just a series of transactions designed to serve a commercial or administrative purpose. People managers get involved with the people around them. They’re genuinely interested in understanding the individuals in their teams and spend time getting to know them. They recognise what motivates specific individuals and know what makes their people happy or unhappy.

    Developing relationships, empathy, care and understanding for the people you manage isn’t whimsical or unnecessarily touchy-feely. It makes sound business sense. To get the best out of people, you have to know them, and you have to be attentive. That doesn’t mean you have to be sentimental, but you do have to care about the organisation and the people in it.

  • What does the programme consist of?

    Our flexible online or face to face methodology and the wide range of proven, science-backed elements we’ve created allow us to design bespoke programmes around your unique needs.

    Broadly, however, our Being a People Manager programme is underpinned by three key modules, each of which are unique to Laughology. They’re innovative and flexible too, and can be adapted to suit your requirements.

    These key modules are from our Big Chats, Little Chats coaching programme as we believe Being a People Manager is largely about coaching your teams in the moment, helping them to flourish.

    Elements of the programme can be complemented by other modules including: having difficult conversations, negotiation skills and presentation skills. The three key modules are: Creating the right environment FLIP-it Thinking Developing a team and managing with a growth mindset

The BCLC PA-OFF model

Traditionally managers are sent on a coaching course to learn how to develop their teams. They then deliver coaching in rigid, informal chunks, usually booked in diaries days or even weeks in advance. But we know life doesn’t work this way.

Coaching teams should fundamentally be an ongoing, fluid process, the success of which is dependent on how managers interact with their people. We recognise that great conversations between managers and their teams should be continuous.

Using this philosophy, we have developed Big Chats, Little Chats as a way for managers to have great conversations that promote development and performance and put people at the heart of the conversation.

The PA-OFF model defines the type of chats managers should be having with their teams that build positive relationships and engaged people whether virtually or face to face.


Chats should be defined by the person in front of you and their needs at that time, rather than by a coaching model you have been trained to follow.

Anyhow, anywhere

Teams no longer fit the traditional pattern of office-based attendance. Often, they are a blend of job-sharers, homeworkers and international personnel working virtually. As a consequence, we now communicate through a dizzying array of channels including Skype, Google Hangout and even WhatsApp.

Essentially this has changed the way we speak to each other, and coaching needs to reflect this in order to work.

On demand

Traditionally, when someone needs coaching a session is booked in the diary. But this leads to time lapses during which problems may develop further, people may become demotivated and solutions may be found by someone else, leading to a lost learning opportunity.

BCLC encourages a more flexible approach in which coaching gets to the root of the issue quickly and effectively.


Chats should always help people move forward rather than look back with blame and regret. Too often, conversations with managers and leaders reflect on what has gone wrong in the past. Instead, it should be about looking forward and putting things right, learning from errors for the future.


Find out how the Laughology coaching programme played its part in a 23 percent uplift in sales for store managers who had been through the programme.

Read the O2 case study


Creating the right environment

Module 1

In this module, we look at ways of communicating to allow individuals the space to think and problem-solve, developing independence, confidence and competency. We look at language, frame of mind and questioning techniques.

We also look at how to develop the right conditions to encourage open and honest conversations, which could include introducing an open-door policy and feedback channels through which teams can assess their managers.

How to create the right environment in your workplace

Another legendary Laugholoy workplace blog post

Go to blog

FLIP-it Thinking to build resilience and optimism

Module 2

This module guides people in the art of recognising and challenging ‘wonky thinking’ and draws on elements of psychology and neuroscience. It helps people understand how to use:

  • Focus to identify improvements
  • Language to create a positive mindset
  • Imagination to develop strategies
  • Pattern-breaking to change negative behaviours

The FLIP-it model is a toolkit for having conversations to move people forward and can be used in the moment and on-demand.

The art of positive mindset and how to challenge ‘wonky thinking

A crowd-pleasing blog post from our infamous Laughology facilitators

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Growth mindset

Module 3

This module concentrates on how to build a growth mindset culture through conversations, rewards and recognition. It covers subjects such as encouragement, risk-taking, metacognition development and self-directed learning.

Understanding the language and behaviours of fixed and growth mindsets

A right rollicking read!

Go to blog

BCLC programme FAQs

Who is it for?

BCLC is perfect for any organisation that requires an innovative, fresh new way to deliver coaching
It can be delivered to managers and leaders, and also forms part of our management and leadership programmes. The delivery content is supported by online resources, activities and self-directed learning through video’s and quizzes. Managers will be expected to compete work and activities between sessions to embed learning with their teams. You can join on Laughology Online Learning (LOL) platform who use our resources on your own platform.

How long will it last?

This is flexible depending on needs and budget, but usually, each core module will be delivered over two half day workshops. Our online BCLC programme is deliver over three x 90 minute sessions.
We also recommend training champions who can support learning between sessions through action learning facilitation. Champions should attend an extra day or two for upskilling in facilitation and action learning.

How many people can it work for?

Capacity depends on the organisation’s needs. BCLC has been rolled out in large national organisations using a range of blended-learning methods.
However, in workshops, we advise a maximum of 20 to enable effective discussion groups.

What measurements will we see?

We’ll work with you to identify target goals which we can then assess throughout the delivery process.
We can assess your in-house appraisal processes and use them to measure how people are having better conversations. We can also create a baseline survey with programme participants at the start of the process and use this to plot progress. We’re also able to run focus groups with people being coached, to identify how their experience changes.

How do we make this sustainable?

BCLC can be delivered in a blended learning approach through a range of channels including learning shorts, which are online three to four-minute videos covering the main elements of each module.
We can also produce cheat sheets which can be added to your intranet, along with other reference material. The programme also has guides with practical ways to start conversations, have quick chats and embed learning. We can also work with a team of champions to create expert BCLC coaches who can mentor and supervise managers and leaders. Champions can also be trained to deliver content to support learning going forward.

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At Laughology we are all about relationships and we believe that best relationships are the ones where each side shows long-term commitment, which is why we run a partnership scheme for the organisations we work most closely with.

Being a Laughology Learning Partner earns you discounts and extra benefits within your programme which include freebies and complimentary laugher and learning lunchtime sessions. Our learning partners also enjoy an executive level of access to our experts, ensuring that programme delivery is an on-going, fluid process.

Get in touch if you want to know more.

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Truly human leadership skills



Using trademark Laughology humour and energy, this expansive and pioneering leadership skills programme delivers a fresh, dynamic approach to leadership that allows delegates to understand and develop their own unique brand of leadership.

Leadership is a skill that can be developed and adapted.

Different times call for different leadership styles. At Laughology, we create leaders who are individual, people-focussed, visionary, strategic and equipped for the fast-changing and turbulent times we live in.

Whether face to face, virtual or hybrid, great leadership is about developing a deep understanding of your people, yourself and your organisation. You can then use this knowledge strategically to the benefit of all.

Sustainable leadership is based on strengths, weaknesses, personality and vulnerability. It’s not about focusing on outputs at any cost. Laughology leaders understand that creating a culture based on people rather than process is the most effective way for an organisation to thrive.

Our Truly Human Leadership programme is delivered with resources, online materials and practical cheat sheets. These can be accessed through the Laughology Online Learning (LOL) platform or shared on your learning system.

Learning is self-directed, as well as peer and facilitator lead. Activities are set between sessions for leaders to try on the job. The LOL platform is designed to enhance social and peer learning and is a place where information can be shared.

What’s the difference between a manager and a leader?

While managers are concerned with functional aspects of their organisation, leaders are concerned with strategy. Leaders have a high-level view of the organisation and the direction it’s heading. They set the tone and develop an organisation’s culture, informing, guiding and delivering core objectives while steering strategic direction.

Managers will often have leadership qualities and leaders are often former managers. The step up from manager to leader can often be challenging due to the demands and responsibilities of leadership roles. 

The transition from management to leadership relies on effectively shifting the mindset from one discipline to the other.

What does the programme consist of?

We do not take a one-size-fits-all approach to leadership. We develop individual leaders who put people first. They then build a strategy around them or mould a pre-existing one to suit all. Truly human leaders do not need carrots or sticks, and they don’t force conformity.
They move their businesses forward by inspiration and insight, and with an understanding of the people they lead. They create environments where people feel safe, understood and supported. In doing so they ensure their business survives when times get tough.

Truly human leaders also understand that leadership alters the way they are perceived by their colleagues. Despite this, they remain true to themselves and others. They understand their own strengths, limitations, patterns of behaviour and narratives, recognising how these impact on them, their people and their organisation.

The modules below can be delivered as part of a whole leadership programme or be adapted to suit existing frameworks. Organisations may already have identified leaders and managers for the different leadership modules and levels suggested. If not, Laughology can support on developing a framework and measures to support this.
As part of each module, people are placed in learning groups and given practical tasks to complete whilst back in their workplaces. They’ll be encouraged to meet in their groups between sessions and review how the new behaviours are supporting the wider teams, as well as the challenges they have. They’ll then have the opportunity to feedback at subsequent sessions.

  • Aspiring Leaders
  • People Leaders
  • Business Leaders

Leading self - for aspiring leaders


This module focuses on self-analysis, exploring personal brand and social intelligence. It uses dynamic, enlightening and fun delivery. Our facilitators will help people identify their strengths and weaknesses while analysing how they react to events.

They’ll learn tools and techniques to help manage emotions and behaviours, including learning to learn and self-management through a growth mindset. As well as sharing some helpful ways of working for time management.

Learn more..

We also recommend including elements of our stand-up comedy presentation training in this module. It stretches people outside their comfort zones. They learn how to present, interact with an audience and develop an awareness of reactions in extreme situations – all of which are vital skills for leaders. Our stand-up presentation training brings these skills to life in an engaging, fun and often life-affirming way.

The module gives people the confidence to step up and have positive debates with each other and their senior teams. It gets down to the nitty-gritty of who you are and how you behave, leaving delegates with a deeper understanding of self and their own leadership qualities.

Leading people - for people leaders


This module is for managers and leaders who are responsible for teams and individuals. The programme focuses on conversations that support and develop through emotional and social intelligence.

It helps leaders to develop a greater understanding of how they make people feel. It shows leaders how to adapt, negotiate and influence the people around them, as well as promoting personal and professional growth.

Elements include feedback and feedforward, awareness of listening and language and creating the right environment for others. As part of the leadership development, the module explores customer excellence and stakeholder management

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Models such as situational leadership will be reviewed and revisited using practical scenarios to bring ideas to life.

Improvisation can also be used as part of this module. Our improv training covers elements of:

  • Trust
  • Acceptance
  • Attentive listening
  • Spontaneity
  • Collaborative storytelling

The module also focusses on creating the right environment for people to flourish. Delegates will also be taught to recognise the differences between uncooperative/discouraging and curious/collaborative behaviours and language using Laughology’s Four Ps model for having positive debates.

Leadership mindset - for people leaders


Leadership mindset should be flexible and adaptive. This second part of being a people leader shows how to achieve this. People will investigate the narratives they use to help them, and the people around them, move forward.

They’ll learn to recognise unhelpful narratives holding them back and gain techniques to allow them to focus strategically on realistic possibilities and opportunities. It shows leaders how to identify changes and challenges, and how to problem-solve and adapt positively while taking people with them.

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The module will review mindset models such as growth vs fixed, scripted vs adaptive and fast vs slow thinking.

The module encourages debate about real work situations and uses scenarios and practical activities to bring theory to life.

Organisational leadership – for business leaders


This module shows people how to effectively align their personal development, and the development of their people, to the organisation’s goals and missions. People will gain insight into effectively communicating vision and strategy in a way that helps people connect.

This module should be project-based and use strategic objectives to help leaders put into practice the skills and techniques being taught in the module.

Learn more...

The module uses our G.R.E.A.T model for strategic thinking and looks at goal-setting, reality checking, engagement, actions and thoughts. We look at the differences between management and leadership and drill down into the strategy of delegate’s organisations and their role in it.

In this final module we will work closely with the organisation to choose two or three strategic objectives and activities that can be undertaken, helping leaders deliver vision through their learning and sustaining behaviour and change in the organisation.

Build your own leadership skills programme

In addition to these three core modules, organisations can also add other elements, workshops and courses, such as:

Stand-up performance skills

Negotiation skills and challenging conversations

Creative and innovative thinking for strategy

We will work with you to identify the best programme design for your organisation.


How long will it take?

We recommend that each module be either a half-day or full-day.

However, if you want to add elements to a module such as negotiation skills or stand-up performance, the modules will be longer. We also recommend at least three or four weeks between modules to give delegates the chance to complete practical activities. There will also be a final session of presentation and reflection.

How many people can go through it?

We recommend a maximum of 20 people in a group

We can facilitate larger groups, but this can leave less time for every delegate to participate in activities.

What measurements will we see?

We can use existing engagement scores as baselines and a range of tools and techniques to monitor and measure progress.

We can set up 360 focus groups and survey the people in your organisation who report directly to the leaders on the programme. This enables us to plot progress at points during and after training has been delivered.

How do we make this sustainable?

Longevity is vital as the processes and techniques delegates learn from the programme should embed and become part of their personal leadership styles

In order to sustain learning we can develop a train-the-trainer process for you and develop organisation-specific content. Alternatively, you can provide your own content that will deliver as part of the programme. As part of the programme, leaders will be encouraged to work in action learning groups. These groups should be sustained after the training to embed behaviours, continue learning, problem solve and support others.

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Workplace Engagement



Our workplace engagement and happiness programmes will improve workplace mood, develop employee motivation and increase satisfaction. They build stronger communications and relationships in the workplace. And they are fun!

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Engagement & happiness in the workplace


The five workplace happiness drivers



Engaged and happy people are an asset in the workplace

Any progressive workplace that values productivity and loyalty should take engagement and happiness seriously. Thankfully, while both these factors were once seen as fringe interests in a commercial world driven by the pursuit of results at any cost, today they are recognised as intrinsic elements to success.

Build a long-term engagement strategy

Engagement and happiness should be a long-term strategy and the achievement of them should be a primary goal which aligns to the vision and mission statement that an organisation lives by.

They cannot be achieved through one-off workshops or through ad hoc random initiatives. Free pizza Friday is great, but what happens when the free pizza runs out? If it’s back to miserable Monday and business as usual, your engagement and happiness levels will never improve.

Taking a scientific approach to happiness

Happiness also doesn’t mean being happy all the time, which is impossible. We recognise that emotions such as stress, anxiety and frustration are natural and impact on the way people work.

We approach happiness from a scientific perspective. We understand that realistic happiness is as much about an individual’s capacity to cope with difficulties and overcome challenges than it is about developing feelgood initiatives.


Laughology has been at the forefront of the happiness revolution. We are arguably the country’s most experienced, informed and successful learning and development organisations when it comes to delivering programmes that embed a culture of engagement and happiness in workplaces.

A CIPD recognised wellbeing and happiness workplace strategy.

We use current research along with our unique CIPD-recognised Laughology Happiness Model to build robust programmes delivered in fun, engaging ways.

Relationship with managers and leaders

We work with people at every level in an organisation because happy, engaged teams and workplaces are created from the bottom up and the top down. Relationships play a key role in engagement and happiness in any organisation, particularly the relationships people have with their managers and leaders.

Vision & Culture

Vision and culture are also key elements to an engaged, happy workforce. Words are nothing without actions and organisations should put strategies in place to ensure the vision is shared and lived, otherwise it becomes an empty promise and people will become disengaged and unhappy. We help you put all these measures in the place.
We use our expertise and unique delivery style to:
  • build a strong vision and narrative
  • improve relationships
  • increase satisaction
  • develop self-motivated individuals
  • close the gap between what your organisation says and what it does
Stephanie Davies Laughology CEO
Stephanie Davies
Laughology CEO


Our bespoke programmes start by identifying the underlying factors that make your people happy, unhappy, engaged and disengaged.

Money and workplace happiness

Studies show that salaries and financial perks are not the main drivers of workplace happiness. Instead development and progression, workplace relationships and challenges are just as important.Instead  development and progression, workplace relationships and challenges are just as important.

Five happiness themes

The Laughology Happiness Model was developed using our own field research and existing academic theory, including work carried out by Martin Seligman and Andrew Oswald. It identifies the five themes that are key to happiness, which are confidence, personal development, positive relationships, support and coping skills.

Happiness tools

Using our unique Happiness Model and the associated tools we have developed to accompany it, we analyse organisations to identify areas where positive changes can be made and then build a flexible programme of content, delivery and training to address each area and embed happiness and engagement.

Happiness grid and matrix

The Happiness Model includes a grid and matrix which we use to identify which skill sets an organisation should enhance to develop better happiness and engagement levels across the board. Once we have assessed an organisation, we can identify appropriate actions and measures to take, and deliver these through a range of methods.


The Laughology Happiness Grid identifies which skill sets an organisation should enhance to develop better happiness and engagement levels


Personal Development

Examples of initiatives

  • Personal development plans across the organisation
  • Career development opportunities, internal and external
  • Idea sharing and generation mixing across levels
  • Sharing mistakes for learning
  • A culture of positive risk taking through sharing stories of having a go and not quote getting there yet!

Evidence of success

  • Improved people satisfaction/ happiness scores
  • People have confidence to make their own decisions
  • Engaged people
  • Easy decision-making process
  • People empowered to take risks
  • Mistakes are shared and learned from
  • Innovation across the workforce 

Examples of initiatives

  • A culture of informal and formal chats that help people to develop
  • Reward and recognition programmes
  • Sabbaticals 

Evidence of success

  • Opportunities seized by people
  • Promotions across organisation
  • Rewards gained and celebrated
  • Diverse skillset in people 


Positive relationships

Examples of initiatives

  • Coaching and mentoring
  • Counselling or access to CBT or other support services
  • Easy access to leadership team
  • Simple feedback processes
  • Outreach to community programmes and support services outside the organisation
  • Links to charities
  • Supporting charities with knowledge and expertise exchange

Evidence of success

  • Internally-trained coaches
  • Links to community programmes that have had successes for both sides
  • A well thought-of leadership and management team
  • A sense of purpose in your vision and strategy that connects a story to the greater good. 

Examples of initiatives

  • People-focused manager and leadership programmes
  • Positive communication across departments
  • Leaders take part in everyday activities and are open and accessible
  • Team build events
  • Awaydays
  • 360 mentoring and feedback
  • Collaboration schemes
  • Links to the community beyond the workplace
  • Unconscious bias programmes
  • Opportunities weekly to chat to managers/ leaders – huddles or similar

Evidence of success

  • Open and easy dialogue at all levels
  • People help each other
  • Team event feedback and improvement activities
  • A diverse range and mix of people
  • Positive talk about exec and leadership teams

Coping Skills

Examples of initiatives

  • Mental health first aid awareness programme or similar
  • Menopause awareness or similar
  • Wellbeing workshops
  • Leaders and managers that really care
  • Unconscious bias programmes and a culture of diversity

Evidence of success

  • Positive engagement
  • Low rate of absenteeism
  • Good rates of staff retention 

Original and innovative approaches to workplace engagement and happiness

  • Developing links outside your sector that allow people to develop skills.
  • Creating community connections to NGOs and using skills to share best practice.
  • Putting on charitable events where people can raise money by getting out their comfort zone; e.g stand–up comedy event, Strictly event or similar
  • Inviting new team members to attend board meetings where they can ask questions and challenge.
  • Sharing leadership team mistakes in a positive way and discussing how to learn from them. Creating Vlogs on a collaborate space to share these.
  • Peer-to-peer support programmes across all levels
  • Mentoring across all levels, both up and down
  • Virtual huddles and fuddles (fun huddles) once a week
  • Worker of the Week awards for fun things and kind acts
  • Random acts of Kindness Day
  • Leaders knowing names and using creative ways to recognise and reward
  • Encourage lunch breaks away from desks and have ways to do this
  • Encourage face-to-face communication through switch-off times
  • Holiday time is seen as strictly holiday time
  • Working with suppliers means caring about how they are paid
  • Working with a variety of suppliers from small businesses and individuals
  • Creative recruitment drives to encourage diversity in recruitment process
  • Having talking groups for LGBT and celebrating individuals
  • Leaders standing up and talking about their experiences of mental illness and other important vulnerabilities and diversitie


To help you develop a workplace engagement strategy we are sharing our happiness models and approach to long term engagement.  These models are recognised as effective tools in the CIPD Workplace well-being strategy, one-day course.

Download the Laughology happiness and engagement programme and the unique Laughology happiness grid.

Download PDF

Happiness programme introduction

Download Happiness Grid

Happiness grid

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At Laughology we are all about relationships and we believe that best relationships are the ones where each side shows long-term commitment, which is why we run a partnership scheme for the organisations we work most closely with.

Being a Laughology Learning Partner earns you discounts and extra benefits within your programme which include freebies and complimentary laugher and learning lunchtime sessions. Our learning partners also enjoy an executive level of access to our experts, ensuring that programme delivery is an on-going, fluid process.

Get in touch if you want to know more.

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