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Leadership development

Effective leadership is about being authentic and inspiring. Ultimately it is about being someone who people like and respect.

Often, however, leaders loose sight of this and forget the human touch that made people relate to them in the first place.

At Laughology we aim to create leaders people want to be led by. We encourage leaders to be people-orientated and to even use humour in their everyday management toolkits. We do not aim to create David Brents, we aim to create Barak Obamas.

We know the psychology behind great leadership and we know what tools great leaders need. Our leadership programmes are bespoke. We help leaders develop their own distinctive styles. We work with them to help develop their brand and vision and train them in the techniques they’ll need to attain emotional buy-in to their message.

Our leadership development programmes are dynamic, entertaining and engaging. Sessions are proactive, thought-provoking and fun. We help both new and experienced leaders gain a deeper understanding of their roles and of who they are. We give individuals the ability to engage, communicate, listen, act, face challenges, motivate and inspire. We help leaders be the best they can be and give your organisation leaders fit for the modern world.

Our methods

At Laughology we are serious about the science of happiness and humour and its effectiveness in learning and development. Our unsurpassed expertise in this field is at the core of everything we do. Happiness research, neuroscience and positive psychology underpin the programmes we design.

We use tools including our unique leadership emotional intelligence analysis, 360 degree feedback surveys, focus groups and experiential action learning to ensure the programme delivers.

We also use our own pioneering research and insights to identify the emotional intelligence skills needed to drive leadership in your organisation. We map these against our unique team engagement happiness tool - the Laughology happiness matrix - to make sure actions create engagement and happiness.

Our programmes are delivered by a world-class team of behavioural specialists and training and development experts. 


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Brands and organisations we work with:

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JOB VACANCIES: If you're interested in working or collaborating with us you will find our opportunities page here.