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Business development programmes

Our business development programmes are based on cognitive behaviour psychology and use humour as a positive thinking skill to promote positive attitude and influence behaviours in the workplace. This innovative practice helps individuals and teams understand factors that influence behaviour and decisions.

We work with individuals, teams and entire workforces to design relevant, solution-focussed, programmes delivered by a dynamic team of experts.  From increasing customer loyalty, creating happier and more productive teams to talent retention and diversity programmes; Laughology’s approach ensures training is delivered in a way that inspires and.

We have researched and designed thinking techniques that can be packaged into accessible, versatile skills to help people to think and act positively.

We are passionate about people and work with you to create programmes as unique as you are. Our engaging delivery style promotes behaviour change that drives results.


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Brands and organisations we work with:

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JOB VACANCIES: If you're interested in working or collaborating with us you will find our opportunities page here.