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Management development

Good managers know how to make the right decisions and how to communicate the right messages to the right people. Outstanding managers do all this and more.

They engage, inspire, coach, nurture and communicate expertly. They are emotionally intelligent and empathetic. At Laughology we develop outstanding, happy managers.

While there can be a tendency in management training to classify and categorise people, our approach is different. We treat people as individuals and give them the skills to develop their own unique style of management. Our management programmes are bespoke and address the issues that are vital to your organisation. Our proven human approach produces managers with the flexibility to face challenge, formulate solutions, build meaningful relationships and engage with all levels of the organisations they work in.  

Using our techniques, delivered in fun, dynamic, easy to understand sessions, we give managers at all levels the skills to connect and manage moods and emotions, enabling them to create happy, engaged and motivated teams.

Our methods

Humour and happiness are the foundations of all we do. We take them seriously as they are among the most powerful psychological tools humans have. They make us personable, aid learning and retention and help with clear thinking.

We use unique cognitive humour-based systems in conjunction with a range of proven techniques to unlock potential and give delegates the tools to foster positivity and optimism. We help them develop as people, find their own strengths and teach them how to help others.  We embed emotional intelligence and enhance communication skills by addressing a range of factors such as transactional analysis, unconscious bias and even add improvisation and humour skills – essential for surviving some board meetings.

Our dynamic solutions help individuals to develop new skills and adopt new mind-sets. We don’t believe in one size fits all solutions. We provide simple, straightforward, fun, enlightening and relevant sessions. We design and deliver training that works for you.


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JOB VACANCIES: If you're interested in working or collaborating with us you will find our opportunities page here.