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Should you use humour to improve your management and leadership skills?

Should you use humour to improve your management and leadership skills?

This World Book Day started off as the usual joyous orgy of viperous one-upmanship as proud parents jostling to outdo each other at the school gates with the costumes they’d made for their offspring. “Doesn’t Timothy look divine in his Marcel Proust outfit? He grew the moustache himself.”And then, somewhere in Manchester, one mother went and spoiled it for everyone. She...

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8288 Hits

10 skill sets which will increase your emotional intelligence and happiness - in celebration of the International Day of Happiness

10 skill sets which will increase your emotional intelligence and happiness - in celebration of the International Day of Happiness

As you may know, today is United Nations International Day of Happiness which marks the 2012 UN General Assembly resolution calling on member states to take happiness seriously. At the time of the resolution, General Secretary Ban Ki-moon stated a “the world needs a new economic paradigm that recognises the parity between the three pillars of sustainable development. Social, economic and...

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6792 Hits

Happy thinking & power posing - top-tips for reducing anxiety during presentations and job interviews

Happy thinking & power posing - top-tips for reducing anxiety during presentations and job interviews

In this Laughology blog post, Juliette Yardley explores 'power posing' and how positive emotions can help change difficult situations. I recently delivered training to a group of people who were stressed out. They were finding it hard to keep positive and to feel strong, motivated and resilient. It was a tough group and negative vibe in the room were very apparent....

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6504 Hits

Can you remember how old you are? Take a few seconds...Has it come to you?.. Does it matter?

Can you remember how old you are? Take a few seconds...Has it come to you?.. Does it matter?

In this Laughology blog post, the timeless and forever youthful Kerry Leigh asks the child-like you, "are you excited by the thoughts of 'musical farts', 'cake' and 'dancing like a lunatic?'   I have to ask my kids how old I am. Somewhere after thirty age becomes less significant and we stop caring and paying attention to how many years we...

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5715 Hits

Top 7 leadership tips for dealing with tricky situations

Top 7 leadership tips for dealing with tricky situations

Today's leadership styles focus strongly on supporting others, emotional intelligence and people development. There will be times when you have to make unpopular decisions or give negative feedback. Effective leaders handle these situations with diplomacy and tact. Here are our top 7 leadership tips for dealing with tricky situations, including information on how to help team leaders and managers engage, motivate...

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7307 Hits

In 2012 - Like Cilla and Macca before me...

In 2012 - Like Cilla and Macca before me...

Not sure Cilla Black or Paul McCartney had the same issues around parking spaces, or bought a cat to make them feel more at home when they moved 'down souf'. In this blog post Stephanie shares her experience of managing change in her business and personal life, and how cats and your very own personal 'no parking' sign can help.  ...

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5324 Hits

Following the film success of 50 Shades of Grey, B&Q HQ asks branches to stock up on cable ties and rope

Following the film success of 50 Shades of Grey, B&Q HQ asks branches to stock up on cable ties and rope

The recent film release of the best-selling book, 50 Shades of Grey, uses whips and cable ties to illustrate the age-old story of the differing wants, needs and inequalities between men and women. In this blog post, Vicky Rowan, Laughology PA and office manager asks if those inequalities are innate or are they imposed on us by society.   According to...

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10558 Hits

How a Northern lad who had aspirations to be a little bit posh, learnt 3 things from his stand-up experience

How a Northern lad who had aspirations to be a little bit posh, learnt 3 things from his stand-up experience

2014 turned out to be a landmark year for self-styled Northern posh lad Tony Nicholl. He performed his first ever stand-up gig, learnt three important things from the experience, and proved his parents' right. Read on to find out more about Tony's experience.    In December I attended workshops to learn the skills of stand-up comedy. The intention was to raise...

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5626 Hits

Open your mind, engage with the world and the people around you

Open your mind, engage with the world and the people around you

Recently on my wanderings as a Laughology trainer, I was asked, "What is a tree", by a rather inquisitive Yr 6 student, whose preferred learning style was definitely talking, (an affliction I have since turned into my career). When faced with this seemingly innocuous question, I did, what any self-respecting adult in a position of responsibility would do, I proffered an...

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6216 Hits

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