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27 June 2024

Resilience and connection workshop with Betknowmore 

In June, Betknowmore marked the 40th Anniversary of National Volunteers Week by bringing together all their volunteers under one roof for a weekend of connection, learning and - of course - tiramisu-eating. We sent Jim along to help with the connection and learning part the Laughology way. He also got involved with the tiramisu-eating, though not in any official capacity… 

Betknowmore, as you might have guessed, is a gambling awareness charity. As such they are doing vital work, and their volunteer community are an integral part of this. Most of their volunteers are in recovery themselves and by bravely sharing the benefit of their lived experience they provide invaluable support and guidance to those they work with and for - transforming lives for the better every day.  

But work of this nature can be just as emotionally draining and stressful as it is rewarding and energising. Enter Laughology! 

Jim’s job was to provide a session which acted as a big THANKYOU to the volunteers, while also giving them some practical tools they could immediately use - and share with those they are supporting. Occupying the space between work and play to meet these diverse outcome requirements is a great strength of the Laughology approach to learning, and thankfully Jim is adept at living in that exact zone.  

Conversations ranged from ‘The great custard/ ice-cream debate’ to questions of whether ‘resilience’ is a useful term or not. And like all our work at Laughology, it’s these questions – unique to each group - which provide much of the value in the end. As we like to say, we’re more interested in what you think than in what you know. 

This session certainly gave Jim and the whole group lots to think about, and feedback since has been that the questions and conversations are still rumbling on… 

If you’d like us to help support your team or workplace, get in touch with Doug who’ll be able to share more about what we can do – email: doug@laughology.co.uk 

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JOB VACANCIES: If you're interested in working or collaborating with us you will find our opportunities page here.