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25 April 2024

Greens Solicitors champions an inclusive workplace culture with psychological safety and menopause awareness

With a commitment to inclusivity and a positive culture, Greens Solicitors in Birmingham welcomed Stephanie Davies, Head of Happiness, to help everyone think differently and have a fresh perspective on menopause and psychological safety. 

With over two decades under their belt, Greens Solicitors has long prided itself on its positive culture. However, recognising the evolving dynamics of the workplace, especially with the influx of new recruits and younger talents, the firm took this opportunity to embrace these ‘hot topics’.  

With her blend of humour and expertise, Stephanie led a session aimed at highlighting menopause, psychological safety, and the importance of the collective responsibility of every team member in nurturing an environment where everyone feels valued and supported.  The session explored open, honest conversations as well as ways to create a culture of empathy, understanding, and inclusivity. 

By championing awareness around menopause and promoting psychological safety, the organisation wanted to ensure every voice was heard and respected at every level.

Talk to us about bringing menopause awareness and inclusivity to your workplace! Get in touch with doug@laughology.co.uk

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