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27 March 2024

Positive relationship and communication with North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust

Earlier this month, Selina Brown delivered a session on positive relationships and communication to trainee GPs for North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust. Having heard that GPs can sometimes make the worst patients, she decided to have them act out a role-play, where one person would become the patient with a list of random symptoms to test their communication styles.

Much to Selina’s delight, the room soon filled with laughter! Unsurprisingly, everyone was patient, kind, and diligent in their questions.

By the end, the trainee GPs were able to identify how their communication and listening skills could negatively affect the patient, especially in terms of the information the patient would disclose. This resulted in them being more mindful when a patient entered a room and just listening without jumping to conclusions to ensure they actually heard what was being said.

And who wouldn’t want to visit a GP with those kinds of skills?!

If you’d like some communication skills training in your workplace or organisation, get in touch with our Doug - he’ll talk you through how we can help you - doug@laughology.co.uk

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