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23 February 2024

Conscious inclusion with Glenmorangie

Just when Laughologist Dave Keeling thought his week couldn’t get any better, he had the pleasure of flying up to Edinburgh (we’ll skip the 2 hours stuck on the tarmac at Heathrow for another day) to spend 90 minutes with leaders from Glenmorangie - a whisky distillery since 1843.

The session explored conscious inclusion and was created to enable the leaders to role model behaviours and have open, honest and sometimes challenging conversations about what conscious inclusion really means.

This introductory session created space and time to look at:

  • Unconscious bias – why we all have it and what can we do about it
  • The difference between inclusion and diversity
  • How to create a rebel boardroom and avoid being in an echo chamber
  • The four pillars of psychological safety and the impact this has on culture.
  • Active listening - why it’s an effort but crucial for trusting relationships.

Not to mention a game of Guess Who! The session was fun, informative and actionable to boot.

Dave’s trip home went without incident, although there were a few funny looks as his bag clinked* all the way home.

*You didn’t think he’d leave a whisky company empty-handed, did you?!

Need some support with conscious inclusion in your workplace or organisation? Get in touch with Doug - doug@laughology.co.uk - and he’ll talk you through how we can help.

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