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Leadership and management - 5 of our best blogs to help improve your leadership skills 

If you’re in a leadership or management position within your organisation, you’ll no doubt be a fan of lifelong learning and improvement. After all, the best leaders and managers are, so if you’re not… Well, now’s your chance to redeem yourself.  Here’s a roundup of our 5 best blogs to help improve your leadership skills and make you the kind of...

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Remember the good old days when people used phones to talk to each other? Or sat around a table, in the flesh? Now it’s the era of virtual communication and Stephanie Davies is pining for the time when she could sit around in her undercrackers and stick two fingers up at Ian from IT. Virtual communication - when did it get...

How do you present new information to leaders in your organisation? Have you thought about ways to get your ideas across before someone gets wind and poo-poos them?  In this blog post, Pam Betts looks at the importance of feeding information to leaders before your idea gets off the ground. Without them on board, you’ll fail miserably.  Giggle test preparation The giggle test is...

Smile. We’re living in the happiness renaissance after all, where happiness is being taken seriously and wellbeing is the trend de jour. In the years since Laughology whelped, happiness and wellbeing have gone from being fringe interests viewed with suspicion and sometimes derision, to the gold standard that individuals and organisations hanker after.  Everyone’s getting in on the act, from the...

The modern-day comedy club is what I imagine Roman gladiatorial games were like.  Brave combatants step out into the public arena and live or die depending on skill and how much they can endear themselves to the audience. They can be cruel, brutal places. Lessons learned in them are often painful, but never forgotten.  Every comedian remembers the first time they died...

For Laughologists, International Day of Happiness (IDoH) is like Christmas and birthday all rolled into one. It’s our excuse to celebrate all the things we stand for – happiness, wellbeing, laughter, positivity, inclusivity, diversity, and equality. Personally, I get up dead early, yell ‘Alexa, play Happy by Pharrell Williams’, put on my Wonder Woman knickers and my fluffy unicorn jumper (nothing...

If you’re struggling to gain a positive perspective when you feel overwhelmed or find it tricky to keep your head during stressful situations, you’re not alone. But doing so is an essential skill in today’s workplace, so what can you do about it? Laura Drury is here with her ideas to help you manage your stress levels and feel more in control.  The...

When thinking about improving happiness and engagement in your team, maybe it’s time to start with some self-reflection first? After all, it’s only by understanding and supporting ourselves better, that we can really support those around us. In this blog post, Kerry Leigh shares her top self-reflection tips with you and urges you to find time in your diary to try it. Self-reflection?...

The recent antics of prime minister, Boris Johnson, has got Dave Keeling wondering about the leadership lessons we can learn from the debacle, as well as the qualities all good leaders should ideally possess. Blurred leadership lines ‘Partygate’ has fast become the most recent go-to example of how ridiculous British politics has become since the shaggy-headed, whiff-waffy prevaricator took the reins...

You’re not alone. Research shows 80% of us break our resolutions by the first week of February and only 8% of us are successful.  So how good are new year’s resolutions for our mental wellbeing? Sarah Brown is here to challenge your choice of resolution and give you some tips to create more meaningful ones. Where do new year’s resolutions come from? Apparently, the first new...

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