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Laughology pupil workshops are fun and engaging.

They provide students with the tools to develop emotional intelligence, happiness, confidence and self-belief.

Our children’s workshops boost resilience, thinking skills and help with learning and memory techniques. For older groups our improvisation workshops are great for boosting confidence and to help with learning.

Growth mindset in schools


Many schools and educators are now using the growth mindset theory to improve the performance of pupils and help them achieve their full potential.


  • Deliver a high energy and fun session
  • To learn about the brain
  • To empower children and instil confidence in their learning ability


  • ALL children to realise that achieving is not exclusive to the chosen few
  • To have lots of fun
  • Children to think differently


  • Suitable for children and teenagers
  • Can be used as part of a PSHE programme
  • Can be adapted for older groups

Many schools and educators are now using the growth mindset theory to improve the performance of pupils and help them achieve their full potential.

The concept of a growth mindset was developed by Carol Dweck, a Stanford University psychologist. In a 2012 interview for OneDublin.org, Dweck's definition of fixed and growth mindsets, states:

"In a fixed mindset, students believe their basic abilities, their intelligence, their talents, are just fixed traits. They have a certain amount, and that's that, and then their goal becomes to look smart all the time and never look dumb. In a growth mindset, students understand that their talents and abilities can be developed through effort, good teaching and persistence. They don't necessarily think everyone's the same, or anyone can be Einstein, but they believe everyone can get smarter if they work at it."

Focusing on pupil improvement

When students and educators have a growth mindset they focus on improvement instead of worrying about how smart they are. They work hard to learn more and get smarter. Growth mindset in school not only helps pupils achieve good results but also improves the general wellbeing of students.

Confidence and resilience helps young people believe in themselves

Helping children and young people understand how we learn and how the brain works, significantly increase learning and perseverance in learning. Couple this with confidence, resilience and skills to believe in themselves, even in challenging times, and this is your recipe for success.


  • Pupil growth mindset will cover:


    • Understanding internal and external language for growth mind-set
    • Helping children understand how they learn and their learning process
    • Techniques for kids on how to receive feedback in a growth-mind set way and how to peer support with growth mind-set
    • Neuroscience for kids and understanding potential
    • Breaking limiting beliefs and developing new beliefs for achievement
    • Developing grit and determination Celebrating and recognising my successes to date
    • Setting goals and SMART working
  • Teacher growth mindset:


    • How to teach using growth mind-set language, behaviours and techniques
    • Learning the language of growth mind-set feedback
    • How to help children and parents with a fixed mind-set turn it around
    • Learn positive strategies for approaching SAT’s and exams
    • An understanding of the neuroscience of learning
    • How to help children learn and take control of their own learning process
    • Techniques to help children set their own goals and develop a language amongst themselves to promote learning and resilience

We're feeling the love!

All the children joined in enthusiastically, loved all the games and stretching their brains.

We saw a huge improvement in our children's perseverance, resilience and confidence when learning and tackling new things, including SATs paper!

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student looking stressed carrying books for exam

SATs workshop to improve results and cope with exam stress

School Pupil Workshop

SATs workshops

Improving results and helping pupils cope with exam stress

Laughology SATs workshops for teachers and students are delivered in schools throughout the UK.

Our workshops use the science of happiness to help KS1 and KS2 primary school students cope with exam stress, achieve better SATs results and improve school performance.

Recent research by Dr.Dave Putwain, from Edge Hill University, has found that “pupils who worry about their exam performance are more likely to do badly than those who are less anxious.” The pressure surrounding SATs can be colossal for teachers and children.

By ensuring your teachers, support teams, children and parents have techniques to help them manage pressures caused by SAT’s and exams you are increasing children’s chances of doing well.

For children, the pressure is confusing and upsetting and causes anxiety and exam nerves for students whose ability to manage these emotions are not yet properly developed.

Choose any of our workshops below to help students, prepare, revise and keep calm for SATs

We're feeling the love!

Our Year 6 children who were anxious about their end of year tests and performing their leavers' assembly were taught by Laughology, to 'FLIP' negative situations and make them into more positive, less threatening experiences. Their increased confidence and can-do attitude was clear to see, their SATs results pleasing and their end of year show was absolutely fantastic!
Sarah Creegan - Head Teacher of Ellingham Primary School

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Happy children student workshop

School Pupil Workshop


This introductory workshop will help young people create positive relationships and help them understand their emotions.


  • Deliver a high energy and fun session
  • Understand what makes us happy
  • Increase understanding of self and others


  • Tools for resilience. Creative positive, relationships.
  • Greater understanding of emotions and how to manage them.
  • Techniques for thinking and feeling better for now and the future.


  • This workshop can be delivered as a 60 or 90 minute session
  • Suitable for a class of between 25-30 primary school children
  • Can be adapted for older groups up to KS
  • Can be adapted for older groups

This introductory workshop will encourage children to think and feel better about life and make better choices. It gives them skills to develop their emotional intelligence and become happier children.

Studies show that happy children and teenagers earn more as adults, cope better with adversity, achieve more and strive harder.

But what is happiness? Is it something we can learn? Is it a skill we can improve? The answer is yes. Laughology’s research into the subject has led to the development of proven techniques to help increase happiness and resilience for the future.

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Becoming brave and great student workshop

School Pupil Workshop

Becoming brave and great

A fun high-energy session which teaches young people about being brave and confident in their abilities.


  • To deliver a high energy and fun session
  • Develop sense of confidence and self-belief
  • Reduce levels of stress and anxiety


  • Inspired aspirational thinking
  • Developed skills around being brave
  • Children are more confident in their abilities


  • Suitable for students up to the age of 13 - KS3
  • Can be used as part of a PSHE programme
  • This workshop can be delivered as a 60 or 90 minute session

Each child explores in a fun and interactive way what brave and great is and isn’t, with examples of some recent and historic brave and great people. 
At the end of the lesson they have their own toolkit of how they can be brave and great for the future.

We're feeling the love!

What an exceptional and captivating presenter. We all got dragged on a journey of brave historical characters. The children were fully enthralled and have been using the range of strategies to become more confident and empowered in their learning.

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FLIP it! Keep calm and carry on!

School Pupil Workshop

FLIP it! Keep calm and carry on!

This primary school workshop uses the FLIP model to show primary school children, in yr6, how they can boost their confidence and self-belief and feel ready to try their best for their yr6 SATs.


  • To deliver a high energy and fun session
  • Provide children with practical skills that are easy to remember and use whilst they sit their SATs
  • Develop sense of confidence and self-belief
  • Reduce levels of stress and anxiety


  • Children feel motivated and prepared for their exams
  • Children are more confident in their abilities
  • Children understand that they can use a positive mind-set to make real change happen


  • Suitable for students up to the age of 13 - KS3
  • Can be used as part of a PSHE programme
  • This workshop can be delivered as a 60 or 90 minute session

Watch the amazing students at Tolworth School demonstrate how using growth mindset techniques can lead to happier and better performing schools

This primary school workshop uses the FLIP model to show primary school children, in yr6, how they can boost their confidence and self-belief and feel ready to try their best for their yr6 SATs.

Our body and mind does funny things when we are under pressure, nervous, scared or anxious.It goes into what we call protection mode. It does this to stop us getting hurt, but sometimes by mistake it can stop us doing things we would really like to have a go at and are capable of.

This workshop looks at how children can use their brains and bodies to be calm, brave and cope when things seem tough.

We're feeling the love!

We all really enjoyed the sessions and the ‘Power Pose’ has helped our Year 5/6 indoor athletics team get into the Kingston final next week!
Our Year 6 children who were anxious about their end of year tests and performing their leavers' assembly learnt to 'FLIP' these situations and make them into more positive, less threatening experiences. Their increased confidence and can-do attitude was clear to see, their SATs results pleasing and their end of year show was absolutely fantastic!
Some of the parents have stated that their children loved the sessions and were talking about it ‘non-stop’. The teachers were very enthusiastic about the workshops. Some have mentioned an instant change in their class behaved and that the got a lot out of it. We hope to reinforce the FLIP throughout the school with posters, classroom displays and follow up work.

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P4C - Philosophy for Children


This session uses questioning to help children think for themselves


  • To think differently and creatively
  • To challenge thoughts, beliefs and ideas
  • To build confidence and conversational skills


  • Creative thinking techniques for greater problem-solving and decision making.
  • Increased aspirational thinking.
  • Techniques to challenge set beliefs.


  • This workshop can be delivered as a 60 or 90 minute session
  • Suitable for primary school children.
  • Can be adapted for older groups up to KS.
This session focuses on thinking skills and uses P4C (Philosophy for children) inquiry techniques to enable students to think deeply about school, resilience, aspirations and goals.
This session not only helps children to aspire, but also encourages them to think about how to realise their aspirations and goals and to cope with the knock-backs and difficulties life throws at us.

This session uses questioning to help children think for themselves about their future, manage their own thinking and challenges them to think differently.

We're feeling the love!

Copy to follow
Copy to follow

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The Amazing Brain - Memory, Mental Ability and Learning

School Pupil Workshop

The amazing brain

Memory, Mental Ability and Learning


Deliver a high energy and fun session

To learn about the brain

To empower children and instil confidence in their learning ability


ALL children to realise that achieving is not exclusive to the chosen few

To have lots of fun

Children to think differently


This workshop can be delivered as a 60 or 90 minute session

This workshop aims to inform and empower students to take responsibility for their own learning in a fun and creative way. It incorporates memory techniques, taking control of mental ability, developing memory muscle, storytelling and learning techniques.

Many children and teenagers believe people are born with a good memory or a mental ability for learning and intelligence. They assume they will be good at maths or English because their parents were.

The flipside if this mindset dictates that if your parents were not academic, neither will you be. Research shows such beliefs can make a huge difference in how children learn and achieve in both school and in later in life. Those who adopt this ‘fixed’ mind-set believe their abilities and intelligence are static and outside of their control.

However, intelligence and ability is not set and children and young people who understand this gain confidence and learning ability. This is known as a ‘growth-mind set’.

Simply by understanding more about the brain and how it works gives children and young people the ability to recognise their potential and ability, to take on challenges, persist and develop.

We're feeling the love!

The Laughology session was dead funny and was helpful for making me think about how I can be more positive about my exams and leaving school. I also learnt some great memory tricks to help with my revision and school stuff.

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