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09 June 2022

Unleash your superpowers with Insights Discovery

We’re pleased to announce we’ve now partnered with Insights Discovery - a psychometric tool to help you discover your superpowers and be the best version of yourself.

After unearthing that she was little Miss Sunshine, Sarah Brown was keen to add to her box of tricks to help others become aware of their superpowers too.

It’s not Jedi mind tricks either, just some simple self-awareness tools that can help you find out more about yourself and your team. Answering questions such as:

  • Why does Ian from accounts wind me up so much?
  • How come I find it really hard to communicate with Trisha in HR?
  • Is my leadership style more Jo Biden or Joseph Stalin - and how can I be better as neither is appealing?!
  • Why does change make me grumpy and stubborn?

When you learn these superpowers, the world - and the people in it - will make a bit more sense to you and you’ll stop butting heads with Ian from accounts. (Okay we don’t work miracles – let’s face it, Ian is difficult!)

So if you’d like to know whether you’re a Fiery Red or more of a Sunshine Yellow (or what the heck colours have to do with it anyway) and how this impacts the dynamics within your relationships, team, and organisation, then please get in touch with us - doug@laughology.co.uk

We’re here to help you discover your and others' superpowers!

Brands and organisations we work with:

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JOB VACANCIES: If you're interested in working or collaborating with us you will find our opportunities page here.