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We invite you to learn stand-up comedy FREE

We invite you to learn stand-up comedy FREE

As part of the Women in Comedy Festival in Manchester in October, we invite women to learn and perform stand-up comedy. It's for a great cause. To raise money for a fantastic charity - Claire House Children's Hospice.

We have 12 places for anyone who wants to have a go. All we ask is that you commit to four weeks of comedy training, with a professional comedian. The 5th week will be a comedy performance with you in front of a live audience.

You will be asked to sell up to 10 tickets, if you can which are £12 each. All proceeds going to Claire House.

If you are interested in this event please email info@laughology.co.uk


Your Comedy Performance will be on:
Sat 18 Oct from 5pm
Performance from 8pm

At the Bangkok Bar & Restaurant


Comedy training sessions will be held on:

Wed 24 Sep 6-8pm
Wed 1st Oct 6-8pm
Wed 8th Oct 6-8pm
Sun 12th Oct 4-6pm

The Bangkok Bar & Restaurant
40 - 44 Princess Street
M1 6DE


This is a ladies only event but gents if you are interested we have another event running in Liverpool in December so get in touch as a few places remain on this one.

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