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Leadership and management - 5 of our best blogs to help improve your leadership skills 


If you’re in a leadership or management position within your organisation, you’ll no doubt be a fan of lifelong learning and improvement. After all, the best leaders and managers are, so if you’re not… Well, now’s your chance to redeem yourself. 

Here’s a roundup of our 5 best blogs to help improve your leadership skills and make you the kind of leader people remember for all the right reasons.

1. It’s not you, it’s me: self-reflection for greater happiness and engagement

When thinking about improving happiness and engagement in your team, maybe it’s time to start with some self-reflection first? After all, it’s only by understanding and supporting ourselves better, that we can really support those around us. 

In this blog post, Kerry Leigh shares her top self-reflection tips with you and urges you to find time in your diary to try it - if you can get past the belly button picture, that is.

2. True lies: leadership lessons in uncertain times

The recent antics of prime minister, Boris Johnson, as well as other members of his cabinet, has got Dave Keeling wondering about the leadership lessons we can learn from the debacle, as well as the qualities all good leaders should ideally possess.

So if you’re keen to know what not to do, to avoid being like our ‘shaggy-headed, whiff-waffy prevaricator’ a.k.a Mr Johnson, this is the blog post for you. Even if it’s just to check that we really did describe him in that way.

3. Leading with vulnerability - helps others express their feelings and creates psychological safety

Psychological safety - one of those buzz phrases of post-pandemic life you need to avoid? Or something you need to take seriously? Here at Laughology, it’s definitely the latter. 

And in this blog post by Head of Happiness, Stephanie Davies, she shares why vulnerability makes you a great leader and helps others to believe in you. What’s not to love about getting your team on board and develop your confidence? 

4. How to lead with humour - one size doesn’t fit all

Why are some leaders loved while others are loathed? What made Tony Blair popular and Gordon Brown a ballot-box turn off? Why did Boris succeed where May floundered? 

Policy, strategy, and ideas can take a person so far, but to be a successful leader, you need personality and the ability to connect with those you aspire to lead. One of the most effective ways to do this is through humour and when you’ve got a former stand-up comedian turned psychologist, Stephanie Davies, guiding the way, you can’t go wrong!

5. Creating a happy culture in the workplace - it starts with knowing your people

Does your workplace have a happy culture? Do people talk about it in a positive way? According to Frances Frei and Anne Morris at Harvard Business Review, ‘Culture guides discretionary behaviour.’ So it’s important to get it right, then. The question is, how?

In this blog post, Sarah Brown looks at why a happy culture is important and what you can do to get happy, satisfied people in your team. And here at Laughology, that’s what it’s all about - a bit like the hokey cokey really. 

Further support

So there you have it! Our 5 best leadership blogs to help you on your way to developing masterful leadership skills that’ll knock your team's socks off. If you’d like any further support, head on over to our Free Stuff page, which has lots of resources to help you. 

Alternatively, get in touch with doug@laughology.co.uk who can look at other ways we can support you and your team. 

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