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Thriving in uncertainty – how to get unstuck and embrace change 


Uncertainty certainly is a certainty these days (say that really fast three times, and I’ll give you a curly wurly). Every day, we’re not sure what fresh morsel of bizarre the news is going to serve, what politics is going to bring, what twist the economy is going to take. There is constant change - whether we embrace it or not.

On top of that, you may be experiencing some kind of transformation yourself - about to move house, applying for a new job, becoming a leader or manager for the first time, going through the menopause, or navigating a divorce…there are many liminal spaces. But what is a liminal space? Well, if you haven’t Googled it already, it’s the in-between bit; where you’re leaving what was, and you don’t know what’s about to be. 

“‘Liminal space refers to the place a person is in during a transitional period. It’s a gap and can be physical (like a doorway), emotional (like a divorce) or metaphorical (like a decision).”


It can be a scary and incredibly uncomfortable place to be. Our need for safety and certainty can make us want to cling to old narratives that don’t fit us anymore. A bit like trying to squeeze into that outfit you know you used to rock, reluctant to admit that it doesn’t look or feel quite right these days. A bit like a metaphorical combover - duping ourselves into thinking those few strands of our old life can keep us there and we’ll be happy.

Leaving an old narrative behind takes courage and acceptance, especially in the workplace.

Accepting that whilst those behaviours, that place, that relationship, that job – whatever it is - may have served you well in the past, it doesn’t anymore. In fact, it may well be holding you back, stopping you from feeling ready to embrace change. 

Are you stuck in a liminal space? 

Ask yourself the following questions which should help you get unstuck:

Am I happy? (NB, we can’t be happy all the time; that would be weird and annoying.) 

Laughology research discovered 6 top themes that contribute to our overall happiness. Which of these areas would you like to develop to increase your happiness and embrace change?

  • Confidence
  • Personal Development
  • Support (to and from others)
  • Positive Relationships
  • Coping Skills
  • Inclusion

Who or what is getting in the way? 

Are you working or living in a toxic environment? It’s not me; it’s you. Do you have self-limiting beliefs? It’s not you, it’s me.

What ONE small step can I take to start the process of letting go and embracing change?

Yes, of course, you would love to wake up tomorrow and spring out of bed with a magic wand to sprinkle over your life. The reality is it’s going to take time and effort (sorry). So, what ONE thing can you start doing to begin your journey? I know, I used the word ‘journey’. If it makes you sick in your mouth, then replace it with something more palatable, but keep reading. 

Who can help you find the courage to step into the unknown? 

Why should you do this on your own? It's scary. First-time skydivers are always strapped to a trained and experienced person. In my case, I vomited all over that person during my descent (he was very nice about it). 

Reach out to people you trust who won’t mind being sprayed with a little of your discomfort. This could be close friends, family members, people you work with, or a therapist. If asking for help in itself is a new and uncomfortable act for you, then definitely do it.

After all, to get unstuck and embrace change, we need to start getting comfortable with being uncomfortable.

If you or your team needs help to embrace change and get unstuck, contact our Doug - doug@laughology.co.uk - he’ll be able to tell you how we can help!

Kerry Leigh is one of our most experienced and sought-after consultants and facilitators, having joined Laughology in its infancy. She is a professional comedian and compere, and was the child star of the Operation board game TV ads. She has a talent for quickly building rapport with any group and is a captivating trainer and host. 

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