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Creating and maintaining a happy workplace - how can you do it? 


Creating and maintaining a happy workplace can sometimes make you feel like a clown at a circus. You’re juggling all the balls, desperately hoping you don’t drop one. Often, creating a happy workplace is the easy part, it’s maintaining it that’s the tricky bit. 

But you know us. We wouldn’t want you to drop your balls. So, to round off this month’s happiness and engagement series, we’ve put together our top 3 picks of our best content, all in one place. Something excellent to watch, read and do. 

So, why not dive in and take a look? And who knows, you may feel less like a clown and more like the ringmaster.

WATCH - Finding Your Oomph - Get your motivation and drive back

September often feels like a new beginning - who needs January resolutions? It’s a great time to boost your motivation, particularly if the kids have recently returned to school and you’re in need of a dose of oomph. 

Our Finding Your Oomph webinar recording can give you that motivation and help you develop strategies to feel more positive as we head into the latter part of the year. Who doesn’t need a good dose of our Stephanie Davies?

So go on, grab a cuppa, put your feet up and watch a webinar to lift your mood.


READ - Are soft skills really soft?

As a leader, it’s easy to think you need to be all about tough love. Channelling your inner Alex Ferguson and throwing the metaphorical hairdryer at your people. If it worked for him, it can work for you, right?

Erm, no. Not in our book. There are ways and means of leading a happy team and developing your ‘soft skills’ are a good place to start. 

In the blog post, ‘Are soft skills really soft?’, Laura Drury examines which of these soft skills are important to equip yourself with and why. From growth mindset to emotional intelligence, it gives you some top tips to help you become the leader of tomorrow.


DO - Combatting Loneliness Cheat Sheet

We promised ourselves we wouldn’t mention the ‘C’ word. No, not that one. 


Frankly, it’s impossible not to. Whether you’re working from home full time or you’ve gone hybrid, loneliness can strike. It’s easy for remote working to feel...well, remote. But it doesn’t have to be that way. 

Our Combatting Loneliness cheat sheet is here to help you develop ways to avoid loneliness by setting up a network of virtual peers. It’s not quite physically meeting at the water cooler, but it’s our virtual equivalent.

So if you’re sick of the sight of yourself on a Zoom screen or just want someone to chat to, download the sheet and feel happier. 

And if that’s not enough, be sure to check out our full range of FREE happiness and engagement resources on our Free Stuff page. It’ll have you smiling in no time.


How to talk about mental health in the workplace –...
How inclusion increases workplace happiness
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