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Happy, motivated teams are the key to better engagement and productivity.
This selection of our most popular blog posts, videos and downloadable cheat sheets will keep everyone smiling and engaged with one another, even when Barry from IT forgets to unmute or Helen from Accounts asks a question that you all know could easily have been answered in an email.

Happiness & engagement videos

Finding Your Oomph - Getting your motivation and drive back

Stephanie Davies (40 mins)

Lost your motivation and wondering where it’s gone? Keen to get your drive back? We know the novelty of working from home and talking to your boss in your undercrackers has worn off, so we’re here to help you get your motivation back and feel positive again.

Going Hybrid: Tips and tricks for building a succesful hybrid working environment

Laura Drury (2 mins)

Hybrid working is the future! We know hybrids are better for the environment, but how can you make a successful hybrid working environment for all? Our Big Chats, Little Chats webinar is here to help you, sharing some simple techniques to get you started.

Big Chats, Little Chats: An introduction

Dave Keeling (1 min)

A short video to introduce Big Chats, Little Chats - our programme that helps managers to have great conversations, promoting development and performance, and putting people at the heart of the conversation.

WFH: Connect, collaborate and communicate webinar

Stephanie Davies (30 mins)

Join our Head of Happiness, Stephanie Davies, as she shares some insights into how we can connect and communicate with others whilst working from home.

WFH: Creating the right environment for collaboration

Laura Drury (2 mins)

In this video, Laura Drury explains how you can create the best routines to help establish a positive environment when working from home.

WFH: Staying connected

Stephanie Davies (2 minutes)

In this video, Stephanie Davies takes us through some top tips for staying connected when working from home and the importance of good habits versus bad habits.

Listening and communication skills

Stephanie Davies and Dave Keeling (2 mins)

Stephanie Davies and Dave Keeling share their unique take on the importance of listening as an effective communication technique, using the 3C approach.

Happiness and engagement cheat sheets

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