Hot flushes and anxiety? Night sweats and difficulty sleeping? You might be wondering what these have got to do with you. The answer is...everything.
Whether it’s your sister, mother, wife, female colleague etc, all of these women will go through menopause and may need your understanding along the way.
Our 30-minute webinar is here to start the conversation and give you some tips and techniques to give the women in your life the support they need.
You may recognise some of these: bitchy, sweaty, moody, itchy, bloated, forgetful and sleepy; otherwise known as the seven dwarfs of menopause.
But these are just some of the symptoms menopausal women experience which are very easily misdiagnosed and misunderstood.
Menopause is biological and has been around since the beginning of time, yet we still struggle to talk about and understand it. ‘Vagina’ is not a dirty word! We dare you to say it out loud, now.
It’s time to get curious and find out why menopause happens and how you can help.
Join the conversation with our Laughologists: Sarah Brown (Head of People, Programmes and Playfulness), Kerry Leigh and Daryl Seager (Lead Facilitators).
In this 30-minute conversation, they’ll share:
It’s time to talk about menopause and understand how you can support the women in your life.
So instead of banishing the seven dwarfs of menopause, you can channel your inner Snow White and embrace them instead.
Grab your FREE place today!
Cost: Free
Seats: 500
Facilitators: Sarah Brown, Kerry Leigh and Daryl Seager
JOB VACANCIES: If you're interested in working or collaborating with us you will find our opportunities page here.