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Are organisations and companies just paying lip service?

Our Big Chat about…Thinking outside the tick box inaugural webinar


Are organisations and companies just paying lip service?
Date: Nov 17, 2021 Time: 4-6.30pm GMT Cost: Donation of your choice £3, £6 or £9


Join us for our annual Big Chat About...virtual debate, which asks the question: are organisations and companies just paying lip service to the mental health emergency? The debate will be joined by some of the most interesting and respected voices in positive psychology.

Our two and half hour interactive event will look at the best mental health strategies for organisations, identifying what works and what doesn’t.

We’ll pose the question: Are we doing enough, or are we just paying lip service to the mental health emergency? Mental health is a long-term commitment, not just a tick box exercise.

Our expert panel understands this and will share insights and experiences during this must-attend event.

Takeaways and discussions will include:

  • An understanding of what it takes to create a continuous wellbeing culture

  • Why managers are key to mental wellbeing and how to support them

  • Creating an environment and culture conducive to positive mental health

  • Supporting mental illness and organisational responsibility

  • Inclusion and mental health, and how we all have a part to play

  • Prevention and building resilience

Guest speakers

We’re chuffed to bits to present the inaugural Our Big Chat about…Thinking outside the tick box with Distinguished Professor of Organisational Psychology Professor Sir Cary Cooper, pioneering headteacher and BGT finalist, Dave McPartlin, and BBC Inclusion & Diversity Champion and Chair of the Council for Supplier Diversity UK, Sunita Hirani.


Opening Act: Dave McPartlin:

Creating the right environment for people and communities to flourish

Dave is the Headteacher of Flakefleet Primary School which melted hearts as a Britain’s Got Talent Golden Buzzer act in 2019 and was voted Happiest Primary School at the National Happiness Awards, 2018.

Flakefleet Primary school is in a highly disadvantaged area but under Dave’s leadership staff and pupils at the school have developed an infectious can-do attitude that saw them reach the finals of one of the world’s biggest TV shows.

Through their achievements the school has been able to demonstrate to the community the positive power of having the highest of aspirations and daring to dream, which is the school motto.

Twitter: @dave_mcpartlin

Act Two: Sunita Hirani

Why inclusion is essential for mental wellbeing

Sunita is one of the BBC’s key equality, diversity and inclusivity experts with a career in supplier management spanning over 15 years.

At the BBC she has actively shaped the supplier diversity agenda and is procurement lead for supplier diversity.

Partnering with Workplace (HR) D&I Strategy she has helped design and deliver D&I strategy for the organisation and is BBC Interview Champion to ensure fairness and equality throughout hiring process.

She is also chair of the Council for Supplier Diversity UK, which offers support to corporates either on or embarking on the journey towards a more diverse supply base.

Headline Act: Professor Sir Cary Cooper:

Enhancing Mental Wellbeing at Work. Evidence based strategies for creating a wellbeing culture at work.

Cary is one the world’s most influential voices in occupational health and wellbeing and has been an adviser on the subject to the World Health Organisation, ILO, and the EU.

He is currently Chair of the National Forum for Health and Wellbeing at Work and is a founding President of the British Academy of Management, President of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), former President of RELATE and President of the Institute of Welfare.

He was also Chair of the Sunningdale Institute in the Cabinet Office and National School of Government.

He has written over 250 books on occupational health psychology, workplace wellbeing, women at work and occupational stress.

He was awarded the CBE by the Queen in for his contributions to occupational health and in 2014 he was awarded a Knighthood for his contribution to the social sciences

Twitter: @ProfCaryCooper

Your hosts and additional speakers

The event will be hosted by Laughology’s dream team: Stephanie Davies, Founder and Head of Happiness; Dave Keeling, Lead Happiness Consultant; and Kerry Leigh, Laughology’s Mental Health Lead.   

About the event

Don’t panic. It’s not like those dry Zoom snorefests you may be used to. It will be delivered in the inimitable style you’d expect from one of the world’s most dynamic delivery teams. 

So forget all those dull virtual Zoom conferences you’ve endured over the past 18 months. This is something completely new, interactive and fun. But with added laughs, time built-in for discussions in break-out rooms, giveaways and Curly Wurlys. 

And you can’t ask for more than that, right?


Donation* of your choice £3, £6 or £9

*We understand people and organisations have different access to budgets. We want to make this event available for as many as possible. Therefore we’re suggesting a donation of your choice. 

The money will go towards our Awards Fund** as well as supporting this event. Thank you for your donation. 

Awards Funds

As part of our commitment to positive mental health through learning, we’ll be launching the Our Big Chat about…Happiness Funds, in conjunction with this debut event. 

Every quarter, we’ll award a £2500 grant to a project/projects that aim to make a positive impact on happiness. 

More details on this initiative will be posted here soon. When you book your place at Big Chat about…. Thinking outside the tick box, your chosen donation will go towards the fund. 

Why we’ve launched the fund

Times they are a-changing and we’ve evolved with them. Even our National Happiness Awards are currently having a lie down in a dark room. In their place, we’re launching our Big Chats about… events. 

Not only are they more accessible and inclusive, they also give you the opportunity to spread the love by donating to our Big Chat about… Happiness Funds.

Further info

Mental health has never been more important. Developing sustainable, positive mental health strategies will be one of the biggest challenges faced by organisations as the world adapts to post-pandemic ways of working and learning. And while organisations are listening, are they taking the challenge seriously? 

During the event, we’ll be investigating long-term mental health strategies for organisations, individuals and education establishments. 

So are you in? Surely the Curly Wurly is enough to entice you? Book your space today!

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