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Work, rest and play makes for a happiness award nomination at NEL Healthcare Consulting

NEL CONSULTING - happiness award nominess

NEL Healthcare Consulting (NHC) puts innovation and expertise at the heart of everything they do. They provide expert support and advice to help NHS and other organisations to deliver improved health services and make a positive difference in the communities they serve.

NHC delivers in the region of 160 projects each year to approximately 100 health and social care clients.

Sue Hunter, Assistant Director (Operations) at NHC, thinks that makes her' team special', and has nominated them in the happiest team category of this year's National Happiness Awards.

As part of her nomination Sue says 'I have never been happier, more fulfilled, or better looked after at work'. She goes on to compare her team to a 'well-known chocolate bar', who 'know how to work, rest and play'.

Now, as everyone knows the official chocolate-based snack of the happiness awards team is Curly Wurlys. But, as a non-binary chocolate-inclusive organisation, we are happy to run with other well-known chocolate bar metaphors.

Sue went on to explain how work, rest and play works for the team at (NEC):

'Work: As part of the NHS, we are committed to NHS values and delivering quality and value. We create a positive impact for patients as opposed to prioritising growth targets for shareholders. While we do not deliver frontline services to patients, we are deeply committed to keeping them at the heart of everything we do.

'Consultants receive pastoral care from their line manager and leadership and project support from an assignment manager. Both help staff stay connected and cared for when they are away from the office,

'New starters receive a friendly and comprehensive induction and nine days of core training via our bespoke Consulting Academies. They are some of the best training I've ever had. Interactive, fun sessions ensure we learn effective ways of working and help build confidence to manage client relationships.'

'Rest: Working at NHC is fast-paced, and it would be easy to lose sight of the need to press pause occasionally. Taking time out to look after each other and to reflect is what makes this team so special.

'We are deeply committed to After Action Reviews. These are a reflective, non-hierarchical learning tool focused on understanding what people expected to happen, compared with what actually happened.

'This collective learning helps us to maintain a culture of psychological safety in which team members can learn from what they do well and what they could do better.

'We love our food, so we like to organise "pot luck lunches" where everyone bakes (or buys) something delicious for a lunchtime gathering.

'Our senior leadership team are tasked to bake goodies for our twice-yearly away days. Beth's scones and Rahul's veggie samosas being much heralded.

'While we promote healthy eating, we recognise that sometimes you just need a doughnut. We have a dedicated grot table where people can go to for naughty treats. We also really like coffee. Our new Coffee Roulette randomly pairs colleagues to meet up and chat over a cup of hot stuff.'

'Play: All work and no play makes NHC a dull team, and we are not about to let that happen.

'We like sport and can often be seen (weather permitting) in a nearby field knocking a ball or two around.

'Our Social Squad actively seeks out new ways for us to have fun and embrace our inner geeks. It could be quizzing or escaping from locked rooms - any chance to bond and use our brains.

'If we like food, coffee, and sport, we really like drinks. Leaving drinks, joining drinks, Christmas drinks and sunny evening drinks, our leaders certainly know their way to the bar.

'We don't just keep it in the team. We invite all our alumni because our people never really leave. But when they do, we wish them well and give them a mighty fine send-off.'

Are you part of the team at NHC, maybe you're a client of theirs? If so you can support their nomination, with a nomination of your own. Or if you think your organisation deserves to be nominated for a National Happiness Awards tell us about it by nominating them.

Nominations close in a few days. Don't delay, nominate today.



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