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Happiness isn’t just about laughter, although we all enjoy a good giggle. While it’s true to some extent that messing around and playing the buffoon can get you places in life, happiness is also a serious business.

Which is why we locked some high-brow boffins in a shed in the garden and told them not to come out until they discovered the scientific formula for happiness. Don’t worry, we gave them some Curly Wurlys to keep them going – we’re not monsters.

Anyhow, after four days they emerged onto the lawn, blinking in the sunlight and holding aloft a scrap of paper onto which was scrawled the legend: ‘Confidence + personal development + mutual support + positive relationships + coping skills = happiness’. We dropped to our knees in reverence, then leapt around whooping and hollering. It was very much like the scene in 2001: A Space Odyssey where the chimps find the monolith. ‘Good boffins,’ we said, and allowed them to go back to their families and their PhDs.

What has all this got to do with an introduction to the National Happiness Awards charity partner for 2019, we hear you say. Well, part of the hallowed happiness formula is ‘mutual support’, and as we are the country’s foremost promotor and purveyor of happiness, we wouldn’t be doing our duty if we didn’t show some mutual support to a good cause each year. This year we have chosen Haven House Children’s Hospice, which also knows much about support.

Since it opened in 2003, the charity has supported over 900 families, ensuring that they have not been alone when caring for a child with a life-limiting condition. And none of it would have been possible without the support of donors and partners within the wider community.

At Haven House, children and their families benefit from a wide range of facilities and services, including day and overnight stays, play activities, a tranquil sensory garden and therapies which include music therapy, physiotherapy and therapeutic yoga. Families can take advantage of support groups for mums, dads and siblings, as well as complementary therapies designed to reduce stress and anxiety.

This amazing place is not content to sit on its laurels and plans to develop its support network even further. The target is to support 500 children each year across its respite, end-of-life and community services by 2020.

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The charity’s dedication to supporting those who really need it makes us very happy, which is why we are overjoyed to be supporting them. All profits raised from this year’s National Happiness Awards will be donated to the charity, and on awards night we will be holding a raffle and auction to raise more.

Haven House Charity sponsor photo 2

And this is where you come in. We are looking for amazing auction lots and raffle prizes for the night, so if you can help, please get in touch and show us some support, so we can support them in their mission to support families and children who really do need their help.


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