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Crown House Publishing sponsor the National Happiness Awards four years in a row

crown house publishing national awards sponsor

Mutual support is one of core elements of happiness and The National Happiness Awards are lucky enough to have support from some wonderful friends. Without our sponsors, the awards would not be the all-singing, all-dancing affair they are. Instead, we’d probably be in a draughty community hall somewhere, clutching a platter of stale sandwiches and trying to make ourselves heard above the sound of the Line Dancing class next door.

Thanks to support from our sponsors we can supply a hot buffet, disco lighting, a swanky venue and proper trophies. What more could you ask?

Ever since the beginning, Crown House Publishing have backed the National Happiness Awards and have come on board each year to support us and be our sponsor. This year once more, we are delighted to have them back.

Not only was the award-winning independent publisher the first National Happiness Awards sponsor all those years ago (2016), but our bond goes back even further. Crown House Publishing is the esteemed publisher behind the Laughology book, Laughology: Improve Your Life With the Science of Laughter (available online, in all good bookshops and in a few ropey ones as well). They also publish works by Laughologist Dave Keeling.

For all these reasons and more, we are delighted to introduce the specialist education, personal development and coaching publisher as the National Happiness Awards education silver sponsor for 2019, continuing our valued shared history. 

The reason Crown House Publishing and the National Happiness Awards are such a perfect fit has much to do with our shared ethos. Like the National Happiness Awards, Crown House Publishing cares deeply about helping those in education achieve the best outcomes. The publisher’s roster of authors reads like a Who’s Who of educationalist superstars, mavericks and oracles. 

Through the huge list of books it publishes and the talent it nurtures, Crown House Publishing gives voice to a remarkably diverse spectrum of opinions, advice and ideas that all have a common theme; to improve lives and help people be the best they can. In our humble opinion that is a very worthy pursuit and is why we are so pleased to have our old pals back on board for this year’s awards. 

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