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Some people aren’t too keen on September, because it means the end of the holidays, back to work and back to school. But at the National Happiness Awards we love it, because September is scientifically proven to be the best month in which to nominate for a Happiness Award.

Here are the reasons why:

  • A nomination is a great way to boost morale. If you are nominating an individual, that person gets an instant boost from knowing that they are appreciated. If you are nominating an organisation, such as a school or business, everyone in that organisation can get behind the nomination and get excited about it.
  • If you are school, a nomination is a great way to create cohesion and give pupils a focus. If you are team, it also provides members with a strong message about your values.
  • It’s free for individual nominations, so if you are nominating for happiest employee or happiest child, it will cost you nothing. It’s a gift from us to you.
  • It gives you and your people something to look forward to. The award ceremony takes place on November 22nd, and let’s face it, by then who knows what will be happening. So, whether you are a Brexiteer or a Remainer, the National Happiness Awards will be a Brexit free zone where everyone can celebrate positivity and happiness. We’ve even stockpiled vino, just in case all the ports are shut down.
  • Recognise more than just targets, academic achievement and test results. Nominees don’t have to be high achieving in the traditional sense. So many awards and rewards are based on performance and test results, but a National Happiness Award is based on human qualities and cultures of caring. Our judges are looking for people who exemplify the qualities of happiness and make lives better for those around them. It really doesn’t matter if someone gets an A star or meets all their KPIs. A happiness award is about much more than that.
  • There are prizes to be had. A National Happiness Award isn’t just about a Perspex trophy, although we hear that they can go for several pounds on ebay. We also have an array of prizes for winners, which include hundreds of pounds of vouchers and free training sessions for employees.
  • The world will know your name. The National Happiness Awards attract considerable media attention. In the past they have been covered by ITV, BBC and several national newspapers, so a nomination could lead to some great opportunities to tell the world what a great organisation or person your nominee is.
  • It’s an excuse for a party. If your nominee becomes a finalist, you can insist they bring you along to the awards night, which is guaranteed to be filled with fun and laughter, in part because of the aforementioned booze we’ve stockpiled in case of a No Deal Brexit.
  • Show someone you care. There’s no better way to show people that you appreciate what they do.

So now you have the reasons, there’s no excuse. Get nominating now.

  • Created on .

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