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Anna Marchese - 'the nicest, kindest person I've ever met'.

iconic hairdressing - happiest employee nomination

When it comes to creating a happy workplace, hairdressing boss Anna Marchese is a cut above the rest (see what we did there).

Anna, who is the boss of Iconic Hairdressing in Sutton, Surrey, is the latest nominee in the National Happiness Awards. She's been nominated in the Happiest Employee category by her colleague Georgia Wild, who writes: 'Anna is possibly the nicest, kindest person I've ever met. She creates an environment that is light and easy to work in, no matter what is going on in your personal life. All the clients love Anna. She goes above and beyond, even visiting them in the hospital when they are sick.'

Anna is truly a happiness hero. According to Georgia, despite caring for her ill parents and her elderly aunt, she still manages to go to work with a positive attitude.
She encourages staff to enter competitions, and learn as much as possible and promotes team building and bonding by taking her staff for dinner and shows, as well as trips to Sweden, Barcelona, Toronto, and Vienna.

Outside of work Anna volunteers in the children's ward at a local cancer hospital and encourages her team to volunteer to help the homeless at Christmas.
'I've had a lot of mental health issues over the past five years,' says Georgia. 'Anna has always supported me by taking me to appointments, giving me extra breaks, or just giving me someone to speak to.

'We all love Anna at the salon, clients and staff. We hope you consider her for this award as she truly deserves it.'

Is your boss as committed to their team as Anna, or would you like to support Anna with further nominations? You can head over to the National Happiness Awards page to find out more. It only takes a few minutes to submit your nomination. Nominations close at the end of October so don't miss out - nominate now.

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