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A happiness award nomination could literally add years to your life

New research proves that optimists live longer. According to a widely reported study by American academics at Boston University, people with greater optimism are more likely to achieve ‘exceptional longevity’. Positive people have a higher chance (between 50 and 70 percent) of living to 85 than glum people, concludes the study, published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

So, what better reason do you need to nominate a happiness hero for the National Happiness Awards? A nomination is a perfect expression of optimism, so it could literally add years to your life – the science proves it (disclaimer: we cannot guarantee that nominations will cause immorality, world peace, thicker hair, whiter teeth, a smooth Brexit).

Here’s last year’s youthful Happiest Workplace Person, Natalie Morgan Dew, to explain why you should nominate your colleagues, friends or family for this year’s Happiest Employee award.

“I can’t believe I won. It was such a shock and I’m so thankful to the people who nominated me. The awards are a great way to bring people together who have a shared interest from all over the UK. Winning means the world to me.”

Natalie’s victory at the awards was covered in regional news and media and she has since gone on to win the Health and Beauty category at the 2019 Forest of Dean Business Awards and was also a finalist in the Young Businessperson category. Meanwhile her Mizz Twisted Cherry dance studio has gone from strength to strength and remains an important support hub in the Ross-on-Wye community where it is based.

The Happiest Employee category doesn’t just bestow longer life on winners and nominees, there are also prizes to be had. Winners £300 of vouchers, various goodies from our sponsors, the adoration of a nation and whatever else we can find lying around the office.

By all means eat a Mediterranean diet, take regular exercise and even book in for a course of coffee enemas if that’s what floats your boat, but if you really want to live longer, nominate now.

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