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Watch: Sir Anthony Seldon says 'get off your butt, fill in a form, and make the world happier.'

Sir Anthony Seldon is one of the country’s leading experts on happiness. As well as being a political historian, commentator on British political leadership as well as education and contemporary Britain. He is also Vice-Chancellor of the University of Buckingham.

Sir Anthony is backing the happiness awards as plans progress and will be one of our valued contributors.

Sir Anthony Seldon, supporter and valued contributor to the Laughology Happiness Awards 2016 says, 'get off your butt, fill in a form, and make the world happier.'

Go to the Awards page to find out how to nominate your business, school, organisation or a team member for a Happiness Award 2016. Tell us why your workplace is the happiest in the UK.

Nominations close on the Monday, 17th October, 2016

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5 reasons why your organisation will benefit from entering the Happiness Awards 2016.


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