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Westwood Early Years Centre nominated for Happiest Employee Award 2016

Ruth Thomas works for the Westwood Early Years Centre in Flintshire and was nominated for the Happiest Leader, Manager or Employee Award by Samantha Greatbanks, on behalf of the Flintshire Early Years and Family Support Service. Samantha said about Ruth:

'Ruth is the sunshine of Early Years and Family Support. Ruth is a natural laughter inducer, sometimes intentionally, sometimes not but always welcome.

'She brightens up the office with her humour and contagious laugh, colleagues are frequently heard saying that every office needs a Ruth!

'Ruth is the first to support her colleagues when needed with a hug and a lovely, warm, caring response. She would go out of her way to ensure someone was supported and looked after and always remembers to check in on them a few days later.

'Meetings are always fun when Ruth is around, she can lift the room with her sunny disposition, much needed when the subjects being discussed can be very draining. Ruth will always see the good in every person and every situation. 

'Ruth works with families in exactly the same way as she supports her colleagues. Parents always are reporting how much they like Ruth, her lovely nature has enabled her to work with families in extremely difficult circumstances. Ruth’s Parenting groups have become legendary in the field of family support. We always know when they are running as you can hear the laughter from the office, (making us very jealous that we are not part of her sessions).

'As both her team and the wider service we value Ruth greatly, she brightens up our days and makes us smile and laugh on a regular basis. The office would be a very dull place without our vibrant and beautiful Ruth!'

Have you got a member of your team who can match up to Ruth?

Go to the Awards page to find out how to nominate your organisation, business or a team member for a Happiness Award 2016. Tell us why your workplace is the happiest in the UK.

Nominations close on the 17th October 2016.

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