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North Yorkshire Horizons (Selby Hub) - Happiest organisation nomination

North Yorkshire Horizons, an integrated drug and alcohol recovery service for Selby in North Yorkshire, has been nominated for a 'Happiest Organisation 2016 Award'.

Tracy Mapp, who nominated North Yorkshire Horizons, said:

'I would like to nominate this organisation because the team is always happy no matter what is thrown at us or what constraints we have.

The team works well together utilising each other's skills. We have been together sine the organisation started in Oct 2014.

We ensure that everyone is good and always keep an eye on each other and cheer each other up if not having a good day we ensure that we take time out as a team to bond and go for meals on an evening occasionally.

We are a team of 12, 8 of which are in a tight office; hot desking. But we are all very respectful of each other.

We work in the field of substance misuse. Helping and supporting clients into treatment and supporting them in their recovery after treatment has finished, helping them to move forward. We all enjoy our job and have good job satisfaction.'


Go to the Awards page to find out how to nominate your business, organisation or a team member for a Happiness Award 2016. Tell us why your workplace is the happiest in the UK.

Nominations close on the 17th October 2016

[button style="3d" url="http://www.laughology.co.uk/happiness-awards/" background="#fd4f00" background_hover="#fd8100" size="6" desc="Find out more about the happiness awards"]Go to the awards page >[/button]


5 reasons why your organisation will benefit from entering the Happiness Awards 2016.

Watch Sir Anthony Seldon talk about how being nominated for awards can increase staff morale and promote happiness in the workplace

North Yorkshire Horizons website




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