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New happy business nomination from Stone Junction

New nominee for Laughology Happiness Award

Stone Junction, a progressive, Stafford based, PR consultancy providing technical PR services to the engineering technology, technology and B2B sectors, is the latest business to be nominated for the happiest organisation or business award.

Nominee, Jessica Philips, a Stone Junction account executive, thinks they should win the award because:

‘Stone Junction boasts an 86 per cent staff retention rate, has had four internal promotions and more than 50 salary increases since 2013. If that isn't enough to make staff the happiest in the world, let me tell you about some of the company's regular perks.

‘On the first Friday of every month, Stone Junction staff do three things and go home. Of course, they should be more substantial than making a coffee and dunking a biscuit while replying to an e-mail, but you get the gist.

Stone Junction paint balling day outStone Junction tracking down payment for an overdue account!

‘On the last Friday of every month, the team takes part in an obligatory 'Margarita Fridays' celebration. This involves convincing ex-barman and senior account executive, Adam to make everyone margaritas while they enjoy a webinar delivered by a public relations professional.

‘Each Stone Junction employee has a monthly one-to-one session with their line manager and the company's managing director. Here, they can discuss any problems they have and request equipment that helps them do their job even better. A few months back, someone even asked for a 'thirst aid' hat. We regularly spot him sipping a can of coke while writing his next ground-breaking article.

‘Earlier in the year, the four bravest members of the Stone Junction team took part in a charity skydive. Jumping out of a plane from 10,000 feet, Stone Junction raised over £1,800 for local charity, Caudwell Children.

‘Just last month, the Stone Junction team were treated to a day out of the office to take part in team-building activities including archery, air-rifle shooting, blind driving and laser tag. Although a few members of the team admitted to getting slightly too competitive, the day's antics are still a hot topic of conversation in the office.

‘Whether it's to go trampolining, pony trekking or on a reindeer-by-night excursion, the Stone Junction team are much more than colleagues and regularly see each other outside of work too. It's these close-knit relationships and company culture that makes Stone Junction the world's happiest business.’

In the Laughology office, we are not sure it's fair not to count 'dunking a biscuit' as a 'thing'. Dunking a biscuit inevitably leads to fishing out soggy biscuit from the bottom of a hot cup of tea, and in the Laughology office, we definitely count that as a 'thing'.

Go to the Awards page to find out how to nominate your business or organisation for Happiness Award 2016. Tell us why your workplace is the happiest in the UK.

Nominations close on the 17th October 2016.

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