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new happiness award nominee

David Lloyd Gym Epsom, part of Europe's premier health, racquets and fitness provider, is located in the heart of the Surrey greenbelt and backs on to the beautiful Horton Country Park. And as if that is not enough to make you happy, George Byers General Manager, in his nomination for the 'Happiest Business or Organisation' award said:

'Fun, or as we call it "play" sits at the heart of Epsom's leadership principles, every task, job, duty, responsibility can and should be done most definitely with a smile on your face and the Club team truly try to do this all of the time. It sits at the heart of how the team work and makes work easier and far more enjoyable. 

'The team use Whatsapp in each department and there is also a large senior team group too. This social platform is used to assist in the communication of important member effecting information but is also filled with compliments of team members by team members that have gone the extra mile to help someone out for example. The team also independently use this group chat platform to organise fun activities with their colleagues outside of the work, one example of which was a trip to GoApe recently and there is an Adventure Golf outing in its early stages of planning for all team members. 

'They do this because they have created genuine friends at work.

'Interdepartmental movement is encouraged so that team members feel they can broaden their understanding of the Club. This in itself also really helps to maintain a high level of engagement with the task at hand and no task ends up seeming mundane.'

We all know that exercise releases chemicals called endorphins, which in turn increase well being and happiness. Sounds like David Lloyd Gym Epsom, has more than their fair share of happy chemicals!

Do you think your business or organisation is just as happy, if not happier than David Lloyd Gym Epsom?

Go to the Awards page to find out how to nominate your business, organisation or a team member for a Happiness Award 2016. Tell us why your workplace is the happiest in the UK.

Nominations close on the 17th October 2016.

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