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Hargate Primary School, West Bromwich, nominated for a happiest school award

Helen Penn, staff lead on wellbeing at Hargate Primary School, in West Bromwich, has nominated her school for a 'Happiest School Award 2016'. Helen said about her school:

'Hargate is a happy school. A sense of humour is a staffing requirement as is the ability to be able to laugh at ourselves. At Hargate we believe that ‘you don’t have to be miserable to be serious’ about something and our school motto, Forward Together, describes the whole ethos of the school perfectly and we do it all with a smile on our faces. 

'The school is a vibrant, colourful environment where the children are at the heart of everything we do. There are many after school and lunchtime clubs, catering for the needs of everyone, a fully inclusive Forest School, activity days and many charity fundraising days mean that, although academic education is at the forefront of our minds, the whole child is at the centre of everything we do. Class teachers all aim to make lessons fun and interesting and children tell us they love coming to school. 

'The head and deputy are keen to be involved in all aspects of school life whether it be joining in with Race for Life or having wet sponges thrown at them in the name of charity. Even the site manager is heavily involved with school life caring for the chickens, dressing up as an alien to provide a hook for Reception’s topic on space and always choosing Man of the Match at every football match the school team play. 

 'A warm welcome awaits you at Hargate with our friendly office staff who know ALL children individually and always offer and caring, friendly smile to anyone arriving at our school. Assemblies can be a little of a ‘stand-up routine’ and silliness is celebrated- from the top! Life is too serious to be too serious! The children and staff try to smile and laugh at challenges and just ‘keep moving forward’

 'Within the community, Hargate is well known. Whether it be bingo and horse racing social events or our Mandarin teacher teaching Tai-Ji to a group of people at the local church, everyone knows the school and is happy to get involved in any events that are happening. Our choir often perform at local events and even the local vicar is a school governor who is heavily involved in the school and loves attending any events he can. 

'Staff at Hargate are happy! Many of the staff at Hargate have been there for a long period of time and very rarely leave. Social events occur often whether it be canoeing down the River Severn or completing muddy obstacle races together, all are invited, many take part and, most importantly, everyone has fun and does it with a smile on their faces. There is only one word to sum up our staff and that is TEAM!

'We know that if the children we serve are happy then they will achieve. We are a kind and caring school. We work hard and PLAY hard! We care for the children! We want the best for our children! But, and most importantly, we want our children to be HAPPY!'

Tell us why your school is a happy school by nominating it for a 'Happiest School Award 2016' or Happiest Teacher Award 2016.

Nominations close on the 17th October 2016.

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5 reasons why your school or organisation will benefit from entering the Happiness Awards 2016.

Watch Sir Anthony Seldon talk about happiness in schools

Hargate Primary School website







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