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Happiest business or organisation award 2016

Nominating, being shortlisted or winning a Happiness Award is our direct endorsement of the positive and happy work culture at your organisation or business.Happyawardlogo

It recognise  the hard work and dedication of your teams. Being nominated and potentially winning an award is an excellent way of raising your profile, boosting staff morale and showing how much your appreciate your colleagues.

Sir Anthony Seldon, supporter and valued contributor to the Laughology Happiness Awards 2016 says, 'get off your butt , fill in a form, and make the world happier.'

Happiest business or organisation criteria

  • A place that takes happiness seriously, that actively promotes staff well-being and engagement through definable actions based around happiness.
  • A place which supports staff to develop themselves in areas beyond their workplace roles.
  • A place where positive relationships are encouraged and given frameworks in which to flourish.
  • A place which promote positive links to the community beyond. 

[panel background="#eaf9ff"]First Prize - for the UK’s Happiest Business or Organisation, sponsored by Herman Miller, is up £5000 worth of Laughology training to be taken throughout the next twelve months as well as a fun photo booth to be delivered to your workplace for half a day.[/panel]

[button style="3d" url="http://www.laughology.co.uk/no-category/happiest-organisation-or-business-entry-form" background="#fd4f00" background_hover="#fd8100" size="6" desc="Go to the online form to make your nomination"]NOMINATE NOW >[/button]

Happiest Leader, Manager or Employee criteria

  • A person who lightens the mood, supports and inspires through laughter and positivity and goes that extra mile to support colleagues.
  • A person who inspires and communicates serious messages using humour where appropriate.
  • A person who goes above and beyond to make sure teams and colleagues are happy and motivated.
  • A person who will seek positive outcomes to issues. A person who makes others feel good and who helps colleagues.
  • A person who encourages laughter and loyalty. 

[panel background="#eaf9ff"]First Prize - for the Happiest leader, Manager or Employee is £500 worth of travel vouchers [/panel]

[button style="3d" url="http://www.laughology.co.uk/no-category/leader-manager-or-employee-entry-form" background="#fd4f00" background_hover="#fd8100" size="6" desc="Go to the online form to make your nomination"]NOMINATE NOW >[/button]


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