Here at Laughology, supporting mental health and wellbeing in organisations is our bag - if there was a Curly Wurly for every time we’d helped a team to feel more positive and FLIP their thinking, we’d be bursting out of our belt buckles.
But luckily for you, we’ve kept our fingers out of the Curly Wurly jar and instead created some fantastic mental health resources for you to use - either with your team or individually.
Mental health and wellbeing videos
Taking Positive Action
Pull up Your Big Pants
Need support to grow your reslience? Keen to improve your coping skills? In this webinar recording, Kerry Leigh gives you her top tips to feel more confident and positive.
Mental Health and Wellbeing Webinar
Join Stephanie, our CEO, as she talks about mental health and our well-being as we start to return to normality.
Hot Damn, The Menopause is Happening
Laughologist, Kerry Leigh, talks all things menopuase and shares some helpful advice on how to make it the 'norm' in the workplace.
How to Improve Your Mood - Dave Keeling
Do you want some quick tips to help improve your mood? Laughology's Dave Keeling gives you his top 3 strategies to have you smiling again in no time.
Flip-it Thinking - Wonky Thoughts
Negative thoughts can lead us to irrational behaviour and a wide range of emotions. In this video, Kerry Leigh explains why negative thoughts occur and what you can do when you recognise these 'wonky thoughts' in your everyday life.
Wonky Thoughts and Your Circle of Control
Tired of feeling negative? Are negative thoughts getting in the way of your
overall happiness? Well, Dave Keeling's here to help you get rid of what we call 'wonky thoughts' by helping you to regain a sense of control and therefore
ultimately feel happier.
Understanding and Managing Stress
Are you fed up of feeling stressed? Do you just wish you could manage your stress levels and feel happier? Well, Laughologist Laura Drury is here to give you 3 ways to manage your stress easily and effectively.
Supporting Mental Health at Work
Supporting mental health at work starts with getting to know your colleagues. Kerry Leigh explains just why it's so important for everyone in the workplace.
"Mental health in the Workplace - Spot, Support, Signpost
Don’t know where to start with mental health? Here’s a simple and colourful Laughology introduction to the three S’s – SPOT, SUPPORT, SIGNPOST for better mental health.
Managing Wonky Thoughts
We can be our own worst critic and our negative thoughts can make us feel low. It's time to catch those 'wonky thoughts' and look at how you're speaking to yourself. In this video, Laura and Kerry give you a quick tip on how to notice when you're being unfairly negative to yourself and what to do about it."
Using Positive Anchors to Feel Calm and In Control
If you're feeling overwhelmed or stressed, finding a positive anchor or trigger to help you feel calm again can work wonders for your wellbeing, helping you feel in control again. In this video, Stephanie Davies, explains how you can use everyday items as your positive anchors and how they've helped her to feel better.
Feel Happier and Fill Up Your Humour Bank
Ready to feel happier? Fed up with feeling...fed up? Well, it's time to make a deposit in your humour bank. In this video, Stephanie Davies gives you one of her top tips to feeling happier and it's a lot easier to make a deposit in this kind of bank, than it is in a regular one! Enjoy!
Feel Better with the F*ck-it Bucket
Wondering how to feel better by taking back control of your positivity? Well, our F*ck-it Bucket can help! So grab a pen and a bit of paper, and be prepared to make your first deposit in the bucket - you'll feel so much better when you do!
How Cold Showers Can Improve Your Mood
Wondering how a cold shower can possibly improve your mood? Feeling brave but also a little bit naughty? In this video, Stephanie Davies explains the mood-boosting benefits of turning on the cold tap.
Toxic Positivity Webinar
Here's a recording of our Toxic Positivity webinar where we give you strategies that WORK to help with your mental wellbeing - it's NOT about inspirational fridge magnets.