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Culture change

Change can be divisive in an organisation and often provokes a range of emotional responses; both positive and negative. Having an awareness of these feelings and managing reactions towards change is an important part of any transformation process.

The ability to position what change means in your organisation will determine how people react to it.

Organisations need to position change as a continuous process of improvement in which they are constantly evolving in order to stay ahead of the game. Helping teams and individuals grasp this concept, and increasing resilience and flexibility in people, creates a workforces that can adapt quickly and effortlessly.

Using our innovative eight stage to organisational change model we build a framework using positive psychology to help people embrace transition. We use positive communication to present the benefits of change and help people positively reframe their emotions and feelings around periods of transition.

We are also realistic. While optimism is a great tool for driving progress, we also help clients develop a strong communication strategy that is honest and that helps people understand the expectations upon them during times of transition.

Our methods

Our approach ensures training is delivered in a way that inspires people and creates understanding and commitment to change. Our programmes engage people and ensure buy-in. As a result colleagues become more aligned to your vision.

Our bespoke service is as flexible as you need it to be. We map and understand your organisation, your vision, your goals and expectations and identify opportunities for development. We ensure practices and processes are aligned to your values and the values and messages you need to embed. We design solutions, working with you every step of the way. 


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JOB VACANCIES: If you're interested in working or collaborating with us you will find our opportunities page here.