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The Laughology eight stages to organisational change

We have a systematic eight-stage approach to encourage a shift in attitude and behaviour in a target audience. An insight to our approach is below:


ONE – Mapping and Understanding

Getting to know you, your organisation and your vision.  What expectations you have, where you want to go and what are the goals along the way?

TWO  - Exploration

Using insights and diagnostics we will find out more about the whole organisation and deliver a report that clearly defines opportunities for development.

THREE – Winning hearts & minds

Using the unique Laughology approach to create a narrative and plan to communicate with teams and get them on board, using evidence and fact based information from insights.

FOUR – Alignment

Ensuring all practices and processes are aligned to help make it easy for your people to deliver new ideas and behaviours

FIVE – Design

We will design an inspiring programme and work with you every step of the way to fit with your vision

SIX – Inspire, Deliver and Develop

Implementing a programme that will take you, your people and organisation on a journey that is fun, liberating, effective and science based

SEVEN – Impact assessment

We suggest a repeat of any qualitative and quantitative assessments carried out during the diagnostic phase. This should provide a tangible and relevant delta to the baseline diagnostics insights.
As well as any other feedback mechanisms your organisation uses to capture experiences specifically related to the programme outcomes.

EIGHT – Post programme review

Reviews to be held with  lead teams and case study groups to pick up lessons learned and agree next steps for the organisation. These next steps should include possible follow-up interventions, communications to the business on the success of the programme to help people map their own journey.


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