Following World Kindness Day on 13th November, Laura Drury asks how important kindness at work is. And most importantly, how you can cultivate a culture of kindness in your workplace. Kindness can help your business Have you ever listened to someone describing a challenge to you, where they’re stuck, and you’re thinking, well, the solution is obvious to me? At Laughology,...
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Liz Truss spent 44 days in power, the shortest tenure of a UK prime minister since records began. She brought in the most diverse cabinet ever yet still couldn’t outlast the wilting leaves of a lettuce, leading to the headline: “Iceberg sinks Truss”. Then in stepped Rishi Sunak, the first British Asian prime minister. He still maintained a diverse cabinet, yet...
Have you ever worked with someone who makes your team less efficient? You know who we mean, right? Whether it’s a delegator who does no real work of their own, a collaborator who does things “their way”, or a dependant that needs help on every small task, it’s more than likely you’ve come across them. Maybe you’re one of them yourself? ...
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How many people do you know who are struggling with their mental health right now? Are you using all your fingers to count them? Us too. But in this post, Kerry Leigh shares how finding moments of joy and learning to stop trying to do everything can make all the difference. Moments of joy Does your brain feel like a snow...
Was it an embarrassing volte-face or a change of strategic direction? Did they listen to consensus, or were they forced to alter course in the face of disaster? Was it a display of flexibility and understanding, or was it a sign of weakness?
Laura Drury challenges the phrase ‘quiet quitting’ and asks if we think about it differently, will it have a more positive impact?
Organisations and experts (including Laughology) study leaders in intricate detail to glean lessons from them that can be applied elsewhere. It is no surprise then that we turn to one of the longest-serving leaders in modern history, Queen Elizabeth II, to try and understand what made her reign so successful, and to see whether there are leadership lessons we can learn from her.
Getting feedback is something we all know is good for us but why can it be so hard to hear? In this blog post, Head of Happiness, Stephanie Davies, shares her thoughts, as well as some actionable tips you can try to make feedback a happier experience for all.
Feeling happier at work starts before you even walk through the door, says Kerry Leigh. So what can you do in those early hours to help you start each day with a smile on your face and a more positive outlook? We’ve got some FLIPping good ideas to help you…