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Stress-busting galore! 5 of our best stress management resources


April is stress awareness month, so we thought it was only right to share some of our best stress-busting advice with you to help you manage your stress - both inside the workplace … and out. 

Here are our top five posts to read to get on top of your stress and feel back in control.

From the most recent research into stress to shifting the way you view it - including why some stress is actually good for you - this blog gives you some easy ways to manage your mindset and approach to stress management. 

Conversation is key when it comes to supporting your people, but how do you have those conversations, and what do you say? It all starts with having little chats… that eventually lead to those all-important big chats.

  • Protect your people from the stress epidemic - wellbeing and happiness don’t just happen. You have to work at them and actively make and take time for behaviours and thinking that enable you to feel better and be well. 

It’s okay to have down days, but it’s about what you CAN DO to help yourself feel better and live a life that helps you be well and happy. In this post (an oldie but a goodie), we share some valuable and practical tips to help build your stress-busting toolkit.

By focusing on what you can do and promoting positive behaviours, you'll be surprised at the difference this can make. And in this post, we share six techniques which you can try in your workplace to create a culture where time out is a positive thing.

In this post, we give you some ideas on how to redesign a positive and healthy work environment, including the responsibilities of leaders and managers too. After all, lasting change has to start at the top.

And if that’s not enough for you, we’ve got a few videos you might enjoy on our Vimeo channel too.

  1. Managing stress with the f**k-it bucket - a very popular one… we can’t imagine why!
  2. Stress is normal - here's how to manage it
  3. Understanding and managing stress - with Laura Drury

So put your feet up and enjoy reading/watching our tips and strategies to lower your stress levels and feel happier. 

If you need further support in your workplace, get in touch with our Doug - doug@laughology.co.uk - he’d be happy to let you know how we can help. 

Or, if you’d like to try us on for size first, why not take a look at our free learning and development webinars that take place each month? There’s even a special stress awareness one coming up on April 19th. 

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