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Wingey Winston & Donald Trump - your fixed-mindset game is up!


Years before Carol Dweck became a professor at Stanford University and first uttered the words ‘growth mindset’, I went to school with a boy called George. He was in my class from year four all the way up to sixth form. His nickname was Wingey Winston, so called because he would cry at the slightest thing and because his last name...

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2162 Hits

Top tips for back to school safe learning


It has been a challenging time for schools, as they begin to reopen. Our school friends we have spoken to have generally been left to design their own systems and procedures. It is safe to say, from our conversations, that there has been dismay in the lack of leadership and advice from central Government.  In the absence of clear leadership from...

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2297 Hits

Using customer journey maps to boost customer experience - part 1

Laughology customer-journey-part-1-image

In this two-part blog, we will look at customer journey maps; how to create them, how they help organisations boost customer experience and how they change perceptions about customers. Get into the mind of your customer Understanding your customers’ perspectives and thought processes helps you appreciate the way they interact with your company and why. Having a clear grasp of the...

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2518 Hits

Using customer journey maps to boost customer experience - part 2


In the second part of this customer experience blog - you can find the first part here - we will look at How to create a customer journey map, and what should be included on your customer journey map. How to create a customer journey map 1. Set clear objectives for the map. Before you can dive into creating your map,...

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3463 Hits

3 simple activities for happiness and teaching with a smile

3 simple activities for happiness and teaching with a smile
Awards 2019 PNG

Did you know it’s national smile month? If not you can get involved simply by smiling and it’s really good for you. Smiling helps you feel better and it’s contagious. Go on I dare you to see how many smiles you get back this week simply by smiling at others. Pair up with a friend and see who gets the most....

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34659 Hits

Is optimism a positive attribute in a leader?


A strange thing happened on ITV last week (I’m not talking about Love Island). It happened during the Conservative Party leadership debate. Someone weaponised optimism, which is surprising considering optimism has always been viewed as a positive attribute. Perhaps it’s indicative of the gloomy times we live in.

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5344 Hits

The menopause does not just affect the person going through it. It impacts on families and workplaces too

The menopause does not just affect the person going through it. It impacts on families and workplaces too

There are many things a 29-year-old woman doesn’t want to hear. ‘Would you like me to park for you’ and ‘I think it’s a grey hair,’ are just two. As is ‘you are is menopausal’.

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7062 Hits

How your development plan and HR strategy can help you buck the trend in 2018

How your development plan and HR strategy can help you buck the trend in 2018

The world of work is changing at a head-spinning rate and opportunity for positive change comes in many forms. Smart organisations are embracing factors such as Brexit, changes in traditional patterns of employment, technological advances and shifts in customer behaviour to create robust, future-fit cultures. The future is arriving faster than many suspected or planned for but with the right knowledge...

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5596 Hits

Has Health and Safety gone mad?

Has Health and Safety gone mad?

Has Health and Safety gone mad? That was certainly the message from Amanda Spielman, Ofsted’s Chief Inspector, in a recent article about the safety culture in schools. Ms Spielman said that, in her opinion, some of the measures that school staff go to, to keep children safe, are ‘simply barmy.’ From the examples she gave, we have to agree. It does...

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6511 Hits

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