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Engaging trainer and presenter Dave Keeling delivers workshops and programmes for Laughology in the education, health and business arenas. He specialises in facilitating change management, improving teamwork and communication and developing creativity and well-being.

What can we learn from Stan & Ollie about building long-lasting effective working relationships?


How to do a ‘Stan and Ollie’, and build lasting working relationships, even with colleagues who appear to see the world in a completely different way. I recently went to see ‘Stan and Ollie’ the much-lauded new film which explores the relationship and final years of one of history’s best-loved comedy double acts, Laurel and Hardy. As an eighties child, I...

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5487 Hits

Right royal slap in the face

Right royal slap in the face

There were many enduring photos of the spectacle that was the Royal Wedding over the weekend. One memorable image was the miserable trout pout worn by Victoria Beckham who clearly missed the memo that explained it was not a funeral, but a day of celebration, happiness and joy. Mrs Beckham wandered around with a face devoid of any jubilation and looked...

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4930 Hits

Dave Keeling: There needs to be a much greater emphasis on learning and development in the workplace to address the skills gap

Dave Keeling: There needs to be a much greater emphasis on learning and development in the workplace to address the skills gap

“The world economy no longer pays you for what you know; Google knows everything. The world economy pays you for what you can do with what you know.” – Andreas Schleicher, Director for Education and Skills for the OECD. We are, it appears living in a world of unprecedented change, which is giving rise to a severe skills gap. According to inaugural...

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4875 Hits

Dave Keeling: A quarter of girls and 1 in 10 boys are showing signs of depression at the age of 14

Dave Keeling: A quarter of girls and 1 in 10 boys are showing signs of depression at the age of 14

With shocking news recently that a quarter of girls and 1 in 10 boys are showing signs of depression at the age of 14 it is imperative that young people understand about cognitive function and emotions (I was 25 when I started to find out). Understanding how the brain works allows us to re-set, re-frame, re-think and reflect when it is...

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6360 Hits

I like a guffaw or a titter, and I'm quite fond of an occasional cackle

I like a guffaw or a titter, and I'm quite fond of an occasional cackle

In fact, I love laughing probably more than most. I dedicated my life to the pursuit of giggling like a schoolboy at anything and everything. If too much time has passed in a meeting or during a dinner my brain will be working a hundred miles an hour to look for the possibility of a guffaw, titter, cackle, call it what...

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7004 Hits

5 ways to use positive banter & playful language in the workplace

5 ways to use positive banter & playful language in the workplace

Last week, the BBC reported that businesses are increasingly using comedy, humour and laughter as development skills in the workplace. The power of humour, laughter, fun and happiness is nothing new to us at Laughology.  We first realised the potential of humour and laughter as an effective tool for development in organisations over 10 years ago. Occasionally, in the past when companies...

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14547 Hits

Do you suffer from ‘Phantom vibration’ or 'Nomophobia'?

Do you suffer from ‘Phantom vibration’ or 'Nomophobia'?

Last week the BBC reported on how parents struggle to get children off digital devices.  Carol Iddon Managing Director of Operations at Action for Children said: “technology is often a necessary part of the lives of children and parents alike, but it’s important to maintain a balance with other activities and quality family time”. Now while this article points out that parents are...

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5960 Hits

Jeremy Clarkson and the correct way to deal with a missing steak

Jeremy Clarkson and the correct way to deal with a missing steak

In the wake of the recent controversy surrounding Jeremy Clarkson's penchant for delivering a knuckle sandwich on discovering that he himself would not be taking receipt of a well earned steak, (Hark do I hear the sound of irony?) it re-ignited in me an itch that need some immediate scratching. The itch in question relates to my ever-increasing realisation that more...

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6008 Hits

Open your mind, engage with the world and the people around you

Open your mind, engage with the world and the people around you

Recently on my wanderings as a Laughology trainer, I was asked, "What is a tree", by a rather inquisitive Yr 6 student, whose preferred learning style was definitely talking, (an affliction I have since turned into my career). When faced with this seemingly innocuous question, I did, what any self-respecting adult in a position of responsibility would do, I proffered an...

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6380 Hits

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