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Laura began her professional career as a performer and trained at Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts. Her passion lay in theatre; particularly Shakespeare, comedy and farce. She always felt she had great comic... wait for it... timing!

She started delivering communication skills programmes as a ‘side-line’ but rapidly became interested in the psychology behind the work, and trained as a coach. She became passionate about helping others believe in themselves and achieve their goals. Laura is determined to help as many people as possible experience what positive psychology can do for them.

How to handle stress at work? Have a chat!


What causes stress at work and how can coaching help? In early April the CIPD, along with Simplyhealth, released a new report which showed that work related stress in the UK is on the rise, resulting in increased absences. In fact, on 28th April, ‘World Day for Safety and Health at Work’ (who knew?!), statistics showed that absence due to ‘stress,...

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4520 Hits

How to lead when you’re managing


Why is effective management important, and what are good management skills? There are few other roles as complex as the ones in which people manage other people. Partly this is because there are so many external influences on managers, such as organisational brand, culture and the expectations from teams and superiors. Where to begin? Those searching for the secrets of good...

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4967 Hits

Want to know how to get your employees engaged? It requires commitment!


Most organisations aspire to engage their employees and yet despite great investment in this area they aren’t always guaranteed success. But why?There are countless blogs that tell you what ‘The costs of poor employee engagement’ are Higher staff turnoverLower productivity and efficiencyIncreased sick daysImpact on profits To mention just a few and plenty more on how best to engage them… Whilst...

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5760 Hits

Laura Drury: Advising her other half (which is completely different to nagging) to cut down on his screen time


For many, many months I have been advising my other half (which is completely different to nagging) to cut down on his screen time. As we embarked on our family holiday last month I suspected that I should do the same. Why? Because I am concerned about the damage our screens have on our wellbeing.

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5828 Hits

Laura Drury: AI – what’s your automatic response?

Laura Drury: AI – what’s your automatic response?
Laura Drury LR Blog

Whilst eating dinner with family and friends recently we happened upon the subject of ‘Artificial Intelligence’ (not unsurprisingly as it’s my husband’s favourite topic) whereupon I started to feel a little anxious. You see my ‘internal’ fight or flight, reptilian brain, response to ‘AI’ is: ‘It’s scary, it’s going to take all our jobs before taking over the entire world and...

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4337 Hits

Laura Drury met her guardian angel aged 28! ...well, at the very least he was an incredibly kind man...

Laura Drury met her guardian angel aged 28! ...well, at the very least he was an incredibly kind man...

When I was 28 I met my guardian angel! ...well, at the very least he was an incredibly kind man... My acting career (which of course had been non-stop) was dwindling, I was about to become homeless and my love life was well, pretty similar to my acting career - non-existent. I faced the prospect of moving out of London and...

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4406 Hits

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