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About Laughology.

Laughology, founded in 2006, by Stephanie Davies, is a unique and ethical, consulting and development APPROACH built around the psychology of humour, laughter and happiness.

The Laughology approach improves performance and builds happy and effective organisations across business, education and health sectors, by using a combination of full organisational behaviour change programmes, supported by one off sessions and workshops.

How it started - the titter years!

About Laughology

Laughology - the titter years!

“There is little success where there is little laughter.” A fridge magnet

At the end of the noughties, manufacturers of inspirational nick-nacks, hand-painted pebbles and hanging pendants latched on to the commercial benefits of laughter and happiness and began a land-grab for any quote on the subject ever muttered by anyone vaguely famous. The results now festoon homes across the globe.

Our founder, comedian Stephanie Davies, watched this with bemusement, for she understood the power of humour and laughter long before Gandhi’s words became trinkets.

Laughology started as an idea when Stephanie was working on the stand-up circuit

She recognised that laughter and humour could not only help her survive in male-dominated working men’s clubs in the North, but could also be utilised as a tool to empower individuals and organisations.

In addition to her stand-up career, Stephanie, who trained in community arts, worked in several community projects. Here, her interest in the psychological processes which underpin humour and laughter developed, and led her to embark on a Master’s Degree in psychology, in which she researched the neurological processes which drive humour and happiness in the human brain. Her investigations took her to the US where she studied at the world-famous Gesundheit! Institute with Hunter Doherty "Patch" Adams; the doctor, author, comedian and social activist whose life was immortalised in the Robin Williams movie, Patch Adams. Stephanie became one of the UK’s most renown experts on the science of humour, laughter and happiness.

Put the kettle on and get yourself a HobNob!

A 5-minute animation about Laughology - past and present

In 2006, most of the corporate world was still in the happiness Dark Ages, believing that productivity resulted when people worked harder. Against this backdrop, and contrary to the advice of several scoffing bank managers, Stephanie set up Laughology. She knew there was a better, more effective way to help people and organisations be better and thrive.

She used her stand-up performance skills and scientific knowledge to create a learning and development consultancy like no other. Laughology training was underpinned by the neuroscience of humour, laughter and happiness and delivered in a fun, dynamic, interactive laugh-out-loud style that was, and remains, an antidote to the flip-chart*, grey-suited lecturing status quo.

At Laughology, we understand that happy people work better and that happiness is not about gimmicks, quick-wins and fridge magnets. Realistic happiness hinges on tangible factors such as resilience, problem-solving, sustainability, positive relationships, personal development and support.

At the start of the Laughology journey, Stephanie explained to fellow comedian Kerry Leigh that she was going to change the world with laughter.

Kerry questioned her friend’s sanity but was, nonetheless, press ganged into service and soon became a convert. She is still the longest-serving Laughology facilitator. Others followed. Word spread.

Laughology developed programmes and training for schools, public sector organisations and businesses. Dave Keeling, with his background in comedy and acting, was a perfect fit for the growing business. Juliette Yardley, with her experience in psychology also joined the band of merry trail-blazers.

Today we have a team of like-minded experts from a range of fields, including former headteachers and HR consultants, who are experts in behaviour change, positive psychology, the neuroscience of learning and organisational development.

Several years after we were established, something strange happened. People started taking happiness seriously.

In the wake of recession, the Conservative Government launched the national happiness index in 2010, realising that happiness was a better indicator of wellbeing than GDP. Education, faced with an epidemic of pupil mental health issues, started to address pupil happiness.

Businesses realised that to increase productivity they had to look after their people and make them happy (most called it engagement as they still had a problem with the word happiness).


Suddenly, those scoffing bank managers were no longer laughing (apart from the ones who had been on Laughology courses). Of course, none of this came as a surprise to us. We’d known all along that there is little success where there is little laughter.

We remain the UK’s most refreshingly different learning and development company and one of its most successful. We work internationally with some of the world’s biggest brands and businesses in all sectors. We work with schools and governments to build better people and organisations.

Our workshops, bespoke programmes and keynotes cover a huge range of subjects, from culture change, transformation and diversity to menopause awareness, absenteeism and workplace wellbeing. We continue to grow and develop.

Our Happy-Centred Schools programme was the first of its kind in the UK and continues to help schools and pupil achieve more. We launched the UK’s first Happiness Awards to honour organisations which use happiness to empower people. And everything we do is still delivered with the fun, laughs and dynamics that have always been the Laughology trademark.

*We sometimes use flip-charts. But we draw funny things on them.   


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About us

About Laughology

Laughology, founded in 2006, by Stephanie Davies, is a unique and ethical, training and consulting organisation built around the psychology of humour, laughter and happiness.

The Laughology model of learning and development improves performance and builds happy and effective organisations across business and education sectors, by using a combination of full organisational behaviour change programmes, supported by one off sessions and workshops.


The titter years - how it all started

Find out how Laughology went from an occasional titter to a standing ovation

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The nerdy bit

Laughology is much more than just having a laugh.

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Client case studies

Our clients bring as much happiness to us, as we hope we bring to them.

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We make work your happy place

A theory is just a theory, without the people to breathe life into it.

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Find workshops programmes and keynotes



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Client case studies

Case Studies

We work with public and private sectors organisations throughout the UK.

  • Nat West

    Case study

    We devised a bespoke programme of sessions designed to build participants’ emotional intelligence, using humour as a leadership mind-set.

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  • HSBC

    HSBC Case Study

    HSBC wanted Laughology to complement its highly successful training and development programme with an engaging, science-based module addressing the subject of unconscious bias.

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  • BNP Paribas

    BNP Paribas Case Study

    Laughology worked with BNP Paribas to develop a programme which taught the art of effective communication to participants on the bank’s fast-track management scheme

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  • Severn Trent Water

    Severn Trent Water

    Laughology devised a series of bespoke, immersive sessions with managers which helped them gain a greater understanding of resilience and increased emotional capital and engagement throughout the team.

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  • O2

    O2 Case Study

    Telecoms provider O2 wanted to create a leadership-led culture where people could have ‘great conversations that matter, making every day better through personal experiences that count’.

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  • Trafford

    Trafford Case Study

    Laughology was engaged at a time when the Trust was undergoing a transformation process and was attempting to save costs to invest more in its core mission.

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  • Fujitsu

    Fujitsu Case Study

    International tech firm Fujitsu runs a two-year graduate programme designed to develop skills for work and future leaders. The cohort from this programme is drawn from all over Europe.

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  • NWG Innovation Festival

    NWG Innovation Festival Case Study

    The Northumbrian Water Group Innovation Festival is unique, pioneering a five-day event focused on championing new ways of thinking to address real-world problems. Attendees work on sprints, or short practical sessions, to develop hacks and solutions to a range of challenges.

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  • Menopause Awareness with West Midlands’ Police

    Case Study

    West Midlands Police wanted a programme to help female officers experiencing the menopause to feel supported and understood, so they turned to Laughology to help them create meaningful change within the force.

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Short animated whiteboard about how Laughology works

LAUGHOLOGY_002.mp4 from Dominic Witherow on Vimeo.

If you don't want to watch the video you can read the transcript instead.


The worlds of business and learning are evolving. Leaders are waking up to the power of happiness, because happy people are healthier, more motivated and productive.   

Leaders are waking up to the power of happiness, because happy people are healthier, more motivated and productive. At Laughology we are way ahead of the happiness curve and have been studying the positive effects of happiness and humour since 2002. We know you get the best out of people when they’re happy and have the tools to filter information in a way that promotes optimism. Today happiness is a mainstream concept and we mix it with a very special ingredient, humour. And this is at the core of our consulting process and development programmes.

Our story began in a smoke-filled comedy club watching comedians perform, using humour to engage with audiences and present topics that may otherwise be dry. The psychological power of humour has been studied by philosophers and psychologists for years, the impact it can have on how we respond to information and our emotional state.  Humour, when stripped back to its most basic form, is simply a system for processing information, a cognitive tool that can be used to think, communicate and impact on behaviours and to help view the world differently. 

Our unique techniques and thinking models are based on rigorous research from the fields of psychology and neuroscience.  We use our Laughology happiness matrix model to help us understand how to build happy organisations and couple this with innovative development programmes which help both individuals and organisations flourish. 

You may be thinking is it really that important to have people and organisations that are emotionally agile, happy, optimistic and promote positivity? 

The simple answer is yes.  It’s not enough to merely create workplaces where people just turn up.  Creating working environments that are conducive to people feeling happy means you will get fully emotionally engaged teams.     Our emotional brain is involved in everything we do, how we learn, recall and store information. The bottom line is that every single business and educational outcome improves when happiness and positivity are embedded as values and behaviours. 

The techniques we have developed help leaders and managers understand the so-called 'productivity paradox’  - the belief that if we work longer and harder we get more done. The opposite is actually true, help people feel happy, engage with them in a positive way and the brain actually works better.   

At Laughology we strip back the jargon and use simple, positive coaching techniques that enhance relationships and personal development.    

The ability to challenge and change perspective and subsequent emotional states is a powerful tool for any individual, team, leader or manager.  This is where our humour thinking toolkit FLIP is so effective.  When we talk about humour, we're not talking about telling jokes or being the clown. 

 It's a way to process information.  FLIP, designed and developed from understanding how humour interrupts cognitive flow and based in psychology, allows you to manage your mood and helps you understand how to manage the moods of others, helping provide a clearer view of events unencumbered by negativity. FLIP, when broken down, can be used as a coaching technique as well as a cognitive and behavioural tool. 

F is for focus – inviting us to think about challenges in a different way and focus on solution 

L is for language – challenging the way we contextualise the world 

I is for imagination – engaging individuals and teams to think about situations differently 

P is for pattern-breaking  - recognising what you are doing to continuously sustain a behaviour, be it positive or negative and take control of the habit FLIP, used as trigger word engages alternative thinking and proactive behaviours. 

Our pioneering research and insights have helped us identify the emotional intelligence skills needed to drive successful, engaged people in organisations. We map these against our Laughology happiness and humour models - to make sure what leaders do creates engagement and happiness in others. Being able to put people in good humour and manage your mood as well as that of others is at the heart of new business.   

We are passionate about developing real people who are able to laugh, enjoy work and create happy working environments where teams and individuals flourish.  We encourage organisations to put people first and embrace humour and happiness as lived values. 


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The Laughology eight stages to organisational change

We have a systematic eight-stage approach to encourage a shift in attitude and behaviour in a target audience. An insight to our approach is below:


ONE – Mapping and Understanding

Getting to know you, your organisation and your vision.  What expectations you have, where you want to go and what are the goals along the way?

TWO  - Exploration

Using insights and diagnostics we will find out more about the whole organisation and deliver a report that clearly defines opportunities for development.

THREE – Winning hearts & minds

Using the unique Laughology approach to create a narrative and plan to communicate with teams and get them on board, using evidence and fact based information from insights.

FOUR – Alignment

Ensuring all practices and processes are aligned to help make it easy for your people to deliver new ideas and behaviours

FIVE – Design

We will design an inspiring programme and work with you every step of the way to fit with your vision

SIX – Inspire, Deliver and Develop

Implementing a programme that will take you, your people and organisation on a journey that is fun, liberating, effective and science based

SEVEN – Impact assessment

We suggest a repeat of any qualitative and quantitative assessments carried out during the diagnostic phase. This should provide a tangible and relevant delta to the baseline diagnostics insights.
As well as any other feedback mechanisms your organisation uses to capture experiences specifically related to the programme outcomes.

EIGHT – Post programme review

Reviews to be held with  lead teams and case study groups to pick up lessons learned and agree next steps for the organisation. These next steps should include possible follow-up interventions, communications to the business on the success of the programme to help people map their own journey.


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Brands and organisations we work with:

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