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Back to the grind: How to motivate a team with the post-summer blues

Is your team suffering with post summer blues? 

September can be a challenging time for all - whether you work in education or business, there is a definite shift in the air as we wave goodbye to longer, warmer days and prepare ourselves for the darker, colder months.  

Monday, 23rd September 2024 | 15.45 - 16.30

Stephanie Davies and Alison Carter

Cost: FREE

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However, September can also bring a sense of new beginnings. As the saying goes: "New year, new you”. There can be feelings of renewed energy, and excitement for the start of a new academic year, but we can quickly become demotivated as soon as we hit that first bump in the road.

So, HOW can we sustain that level of enthusiasm through to December and beyond?

If all of this sounds a little too familiar, fear not! Because our Head of Happiness, Stephanie Davies, and Laughologist, Alison Carter, are ready to give you hints and tips to get your team’s mojo back after the summer.

We say, "Same you, new approach!"

It’s time to break the cycle of old habits and let us show you ways to combat those and of summer blues. In this 45-minute webinar, we’ll be covering:

  • Ways to motivate others and create trust with your employees or teams even when faced with difficult tasks or challenges yourself.
  • How to use in-the-moment coaching to inspire and help everyone move forward when they need a lift.
  • Implementing strategies that will empower yourself or others for the year ahead, and not just until October!

So, be brave and bold and sign up to our free Laughology webinar to laugh and learn how the end of summer really isn’t the end of the world!

  • Cost: FREE
  • Seats: 500
  • Facilitators: Stephanie Davies and Alison Carter

More webinars

Back to the grind: How to motivate a team with the post-summer blues

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