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BUPA UK 'place-to-be-happy' nominated for a 2018 Happiest Workplace award

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Over the last 12 months, the team at BUPA UK have been on a 'journey to a happier place'. That place has become known as 'BUPA Place' a new state-of-the-art building, in Salford Quays, Manchester.

Anna Russell, Internal Comms and CSR Director, who has submitted a nomination in the Happiest Workplace category of the National Happiness Award 2018, credits it with making BUPA UK one of the happiest place to work in the country.

In her nomination, Anna says: 'For an organisation whose purpose is to help people live longer, healthier, happier lives, creating the happiest place to work is at the very heart of what we do. We know that happy people equal happy customers and this philosophy at Bupa UK has recently been brought to life in our brand-new 'place to be happy'. Our office is focused on ensuring every one of the 2500 people based at our Salford Quays location love working here.'

Anna went on to add: ' Our vision for everyone to have their best day at work, every day, began in June 2016 when we broke ground to dig the first foundations. Over the next two years, we focused on creating not only a fantastic workspace but an environment in which to thrive.'

The new workplace environment 'was shaped by input from our people and what would make them most happy', said Anna. 'Over the last year, we’ve engaged everyone on a journey to a happier place. Our state-of-the-art offices are at the centre of this programme, and from the get-go, our people led this project.

'Everything from the name of our building, the design and layout, what facilities and services are on offer, trialling the equipment supplied, how we develop fresh ways of working. Even the coffee we serve being decided with input from them and what would make them most happy.'

Engaging people and making them feel their opinions are listened to and valued is a big part of creating and encouraging wellbeing, resilience and happy places to work. It is exciting that progressive organisations like BUPA UK are putting this into practice.

With feedback like: 'I feel very lucky that I work for BUPA', 'BUPA Place encourages us to be ourselves and truly celebrates diversity', 'Out of all my past employers BUPA stands head and shoulders above everyone else', it looks like the BUPA 'journey to a happier place' may finally be over.

If you work at BUPA UK and want to support Anna's nomination, why not submit a nomination of your own. Or maybe you think your workplace deserves a chance to win a national happiness award?

Nominations close today, Wednesday 24th October 2018. Don't delay - nominate today!

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